Karmendra Thakur
@Karmendra1309 · 2:00

The Flight Attendant Who Gave Her Life To Save Hundreds

Hi, guys. What's up? So I'm back with another swell. I know most of you must have heard this true story, but I thought to cheer for those who haven't. I can't even imagine this level of bravery. In 1986, a 22 year old flight attendant named Nijabhanath was working when a plane taking a route routine break in Pakistan was hijacked by terrorists

#RealLifeStories #NeerjaBhanot #truestory #storytelling #flightattendant #hero #bravery #india

Thank you for sharing this. It was wonderful
@kritikajuneja98 · 0:53
Hello, Karmendra. So, I know you might not believe this, but the moment I read the title of your swell cast based on this, the Flight Attendant one, I immediately I just concluded that it might be about Nietzsche. So, yeah, that was just a little basic TMI. So I've also watched the movie. Sneha most of us know that Sonam Kapoor was the protagonist. Although I'm not a very big fan of her, I don't really like her as an actor
