Empress Icsyss🪽
@KarmaSpeaks · 5:00

Don’t Take Love For Granted, You Never Know When Your Time Is Up⏳

We are here taking advantage of people kindness and not being serious about even if you don't love somebody, then know that a person loves you is still enough for you to have a certain type of respect level for them, because you don't never know. You have to fall back on this person. You don't never know after they leave. If you're going to need for them to come back. They leave it on bad terms

#SelfCare #SelfValidation #QualityMe #TeamWrk #Compromise #SomethingNew #YouMATTER #HowYouFeeln?… Ard CollectiveDassit …TheMessage💭

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:36
Hey, first off, welcome to Swell. Yes, first episode. I just really like what you said towards the end of, like, spirit doesn't send you love for no reason. That, yeah, hit hard. And it's just so interesting how we can take for granted the people that we love and are in our lives. So it's a really good reminder. Thanks for sharing this and look forward to hearing more
