Kanchana Banerjee
@kanchana2016 · 3:16

Is destiny a matter of choice or chance?

Hi. This is Kanchana. My full name is Kanchana Banerjee and I am an author. I write books on crime thrillers. Crime stories. Today I wanted to talk about something that I have always wondered about. Um this has been a very favorite quote of mine. Destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice. I had read this quote long, long ago. I don't remember when. Very long time ago. And I'm not sure who first said these words

#life #destiny #lifechoices

Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:28
So if I have put in my efforts for X thing, I might not receive the X thing in the exact form and time as I would like to receive it. I hope I'm making some sense. But congratulations for having such wonderful and intriguing titles to your name. I also went through their reviews and they are wonderful and exhilarating. I am a sucker for mysteries and crime stories myself
