kainaz jussawalla
@kainaz19 · 1:35

Awkward, hilarious, adorable - what's your kissing story?

You. Hi, everyone. I'm Kainaz Jussawalla. How are you doing? Well, some of you must have heard and some not that I have just released my memoir who Wants to Marry Kai Juicewalla? I know it's a funny name and as the title suggests, it's searching for the perfect man in an imperfect world. Is there something like a perfect man, a perfect guy? Ladies s. We know the answer to that, guys. Well, we women know anyways

#kissandtell #askmeanything #memoir #datingwoes #askswell #askanauthor #storyofmylife #romance

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:30
So, yeah, that was my entire sort of first kiss fantasy. But of course, in reality, when it happened, it didn't go that way. And even saying it out loud sort of makes me feel really dumb. But I guess we all have these silly teenage notions that this is how things are going to be
