Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:41


Everyone, wishing you all a very happy Diwali. And on this occasion, I have prepared a small poem. So this poem goes like this. A festival of celebration and lights. Diwali. A festival of celebration and lights. Gorging on delicious delicacies. Attending Diwali parties and soaking in the festive vibes. So wishing all of you a very happy Diwali. May this Diwali. May this Diwali bring joy, peace and prosperity. And in the light of the dias may all sadness and negativity wither away

#penandpoetryweek #collegevoiceofindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:05
Happy diwali, kadambari. Have a lovely diwali. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:52
Hi Kadambari, wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous Diwali. Thank you so much for such heartwarming wishes. Because it's really nice the kind of lines that you have chosen to wish all of us from the bottom of your heart. It's really amazing and mesmerizing. And I always feel by wishing someone the best, you'll always get the best
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 0:28
Hi Kadambari. Thank you so much for such a beautiful poem and your kind thought process to share a poem in the valley. I hope you had a great one yesterday and wish you a happy golden Bhuja and upcoming Bhai Duj. Best wishes to you and your family and we'll see you in on this one. Take care. Bye
Anu Sham
@Anu_Budhrani · 0:15


Happy Diwali Kadambari Gupta. May the festival of lights bring prosperity, health, wealth and happiness to you and your family. It was nice hearing your swell. Keep hearing my swells too. Thank you so much
