Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 2:00


Hello everyone. I am Kadambari Gupta. And today I am back with another swell, another poem. This poem is titled Multitasking. So it goes like this. She multitask so many tasks at a time. She is a working woman. She takes care of the house. She takes care of the office. She juggles meeting meetings back to back. At times, often her back cracks. The glorification of multitasking is something that I want to ask. Shouldn't she receive help from loved ones?

#Penandpoetryweek #collegevoiceofindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:14
Hi, Kadambari. I absolutely agree with you. I'll just tell you a small thing. Like. I've started working since seven months after my graduation. Right now. Because of the stress that I deal with in the workplace and because of kind of journey and stress I have. I always feel like once I come back home, I feel relieved. The reason is I have my mother at home who supports me, who cooks everything for me. Who make things ready for me
