Trupti Bagde
@Justbeingtrups · 1:50

Educating girls = Empowering girls

You. Hello folks from the swell world. My swell today is dedicated to a cause that is very special to my heart. Educating girls is equal to empowering girls. I firmly believe in this statement and hence this cause is very dear to me girl education, especially in rural and backward areas and I feel extremely proud that I represent Suboth Shikshan Samsa, an educational trust that has been doing pioneering work in the field of girl education in backward areas #shareacause #girleducation #womenempowment #makeadifference


You. Hi Troop D. I loved hearing about this Share a cause post and how you are educating girls. And I loved the the title of it. Educating Girls equals Empowering Girls. I feel so strongly about this and especially the younger generations and how important it is for them to be and have that solid education and it sounds like you are able to really offer that to those young women
bhawna gola
@Priyaroy123 · 0:17


Hi Trupti first, I want to thank to you when I heard yourself I feel so so happy you are doing a great job I don't have not enough words to express my feelings thank you so much
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Trupti Bagde
@Justbeingtrups · 0:22


Hi, Bria. Thank you so much for your reply. And first of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in replying to you as well. I have just been out of swell for a bit, but now I'm back and I heard your reply. So thank you so much for all the kind words that you said. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much
Trupti Bagde
@Justbeingtrups · 1:14


And the fact that it was actually my father was the original champion of it, where he actually started this project. And I feel truly blessed for getting a chance to actually carry it forward. So thank you so much again for the kind words. And yes, as far as the website is concerned, I'm currently working on it, so I will be more than happy to share the link with you


Hi, troop tea. No worries at all about replying. I know I totally took about a week off of swell myself due to a family member needing some support with their help, so no worries. And I'm very excited to see the website so that I can start sharing it in. No rush on that, too. I was just curious. That's sometimes a very helpful way to spread the word and really help people understand your mission when you can send them directly to your website
