Jude D'Souza
@Judeld11 · 1:41

Teaser- Intellectual Loneliness

You. Hello. My recently posted talk on swell. The ten minute talk premium swell cast on Friday talks about intellectual loneliness, how great minds like Einstein, Rabindranath Tagore and St. Augustine and many others lived their lives with their great intellect and mesmerized people around through their great intellect and how many are inspired throughout the generations and how their intellect spawned theories and hypotheses that are upheld even now till now. And how they were with people around with their talks, interesting talks and how people used to treat them

Discover unseen insights into great intellectuals and their interesting lives https://linktr.ee/judeld #tagore #Einstein #staugustine

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:43
Hi, good morning. Thank you so much for putting a swell on Teaser. Teaser intellectual loneliness is something a good topic to understand and especially when you actually look into the lives of great people you will realize what role intellectual loneliness plays in one's life and how it impacts everyone and you understand how people thought, process, thinking, style and the way of hypothesis differs with this concept of Teaser intellectual loneliness. It's really great to listen this
