juan maiolino
@Juana · 3:34

076 - Im letting my beard grow for a reason

And yeah, in my life, I think this at the moment, but I decided consciously, I said, like, hey, I'm not shaving and I want this to do this this as a statement of the change I want in my life. And also because I don't like how it looks too much in myself. The beer. Like this huge beer. So it's another reason for quitting early, I guess

#Everythingwillbeok #beard

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:09
Hi. It's good to put a face to your journey. Thanks for sharing. And also, it's nice to know that other people connect moments in their life or some significance with their hair because I have had similar relationships with my hair and right now I am very called to do some something to my hair
