Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:35

Is cereal soup?

It's not a soup, and that is because it is. Okay. That's because Miriam Webster says soup is a liquid food, especially with meat, fish, or vegetable stock as a base and often containing pieces of solid food. But cereal, even though it doesn't have a stock base to it, it still has a base, which is whatever type of liquid you're putting, you're using. So it could be milk. It could be any type of nut milk

Is cereal a soup, stew, gazpacho? #foodtalk #foodie #askanexpert #cooking

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:43
So because of that, my method to preparing cereal to avoid any soup like situation is I pour the cereal in the bowl and then I don't pour the milk until I am positioned ready to eat. So I'm not pouring the milk in and then going to close the refrigerator door or running to the bathroom or whatever
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:52


You. Oh, my God. I love your story. Yeah, I I don't like Binlk, and I don't it's a texture thing with wet cereal, too, and so I can see you doing that, and I actually see now bowls that separate the liquid from the cereal, and you can slowly add it. But I didn't grow up eating cereal at all, mostly because of lactose intolerance. That's what bagels and cream cheese came in
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:39


Thank you, Adam. Thank you so much for agreeing with me, and I do appreciate that. Yeah, I mean, if you break it down, it is a cold soup and just like a gaspacho would be and yeah, I totally agree. And you can have savory cereal. Like, there's chocolate cereal. Um, I guess that would be savory, but, I mean, you can do it whatever you like with it. An oatmeal
Jessica Sobolewski
@CoachJessica · 4:30
Hey, Jordan, it's Jessica. I definitely wanted to jump in on this because interestingly enough, I have wondered the same thing myself. Let's see. So categorically speaking, cereal goes in the breakfast column. So when I tend to make list, I make them kind of general breakfast, lunch and dinner. And then I maybe make subcategories and say like cereal, breakfast, breakfast items, cereal. So going into deciding whether it was a soup, of course we have the official dictionary
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:11


So I can say that one has the ability to describe cereal as being soupy or of a soup consistency based on how soggy a person prefers their cereal to be. But I wouldn't put it in a soup category. I don't know. I wouldn't do that
