Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:29

What is a food that should be invented?

I keep thinking I need to make pizza cheese. Now, I'm not just talking about cheese that goes on pizza, because that's mozzarella you like it the cheese. So you eat the cheese that's like different types of cheese that you have. But I'm talking about cheese that tastes like pizza, like, just has when you eat it, you get the essence. Now, am I talking about string cheese? I don't know. Am I talking about sliced cheese?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:29

Pop-tart with no filling needs to be a thing please!

It's, Jordan. Another easy one. I've actually written to Kellogg's about this. Kellogg's needs to make a pop tart with pastry and frosting and no filling. How hard is that? Like, I don't want the fruit filling. I love the crust. I eat the edges of a pop tart and leaves the middle
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:36


You? Actually, I just looked it up and other people have suggested that, too. The only thing that I could think of that is mostly not filling is the brown sugar Pop Tarts. But, yeah, I I think I can go for that, too. I normally don't like Pop Tarts because I think that they taste like cardboard, but yeah, good call
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:36

@JordanTepper #AskAnExpert #Foodies What food should be invented?

I Jordan. I want to eat pizza cheese. So if you could get on that, that would be great. It sounds amazing. But let me one up this for you I would like to try. And maybe this is something you could make is modern day Pop Rocks that taste like pizza, strawberries and chocolate. A burrito, for instance. More like vibrant and multidimensional tastes. We should definitely have more Pop Rocks. Just a thought
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:48
I want to be able to go get nutella bacon from the grocery store, and I want it to be that thick cut bacon that crisps up really nice, that tastes delicious, but that also has the deliciousness of nutella, because I love nutella, in fact. So I have this thing about nutella. It's weird, but I'll just tell you because you already know I'm kind of weird
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:25


It's. Oh, my God. Why have I not thought about this? This sounds so delicious. Because those crispy corners like when you pull it out of the toaster. Ah. So good. You're right. The fruit filling is the worst part. Wow. Yeah. They could probably make a killing if they sold those. What's their problem? This sounds amazing. Yeah. I love it. I
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:32


I think that's what you're getting with nutella. And, like, when you open up a bag of potato chips, they probably don't do it that they might do when you open up a can of tuna fish. Can you imagine? I just love the smell of tuna fish. It's the worst. But yeah, nutella bacon. I'll get on that. Promise
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:05


Thanks. I knew I could count on you to get things done. Much appreciated
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:59


You. Now you have my imagination flowing. You have unleashed the floodwaters of my creative side. Thanks. I do have a recipe for Pop Rocks that I have been sitting I haven't tried, and also for, like, nerds candy, too. Pop Rocks are great, but yeah. What if I can capture the pizza essence of Pop Rocks? Or, like, Philly steak and cheese sandwich, I imagine, like, having a whole Thanksgiving dinner of Pop Rocks. Let's get on that
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:41


It. See, I still can't get on the Pop rock the Pop Tarts train. Like, I just eat Pop Tarts cold. Like, I never liked the warm. I guess the inside is the worst part of it. But I do like the brown sugar Pop Tarts. I-I-I never, like, popped them. I just popped them in my mouth. Yeah, but there are, like, some bakeries around here that do homemade Pop Tarts, and they're much better
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:41


Okay? But the reason they taste like cardboard is because you're eating them cold. Like, eat a Pop Tart where the edges are perfect, okay? The best kind. If you're gonna do it, you gotta eat the frosted strawberry, okay? They're delicious with the sprinkles on them. You toast it and you slather it with butter. And then come back to me and tell me that it tastes like cardboard
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:05


I sense that when you said they taste like cardboard because you're eating them cold, I feel like you were actually saying, look, you f****** schmuck, why are you eating them cold? Are you an idiot? I think it's because I did eat them got once and I burnt my f****** tongue. But I will give it a try. Carly, calm your jalapeno notions here. Calm yourself. I will give it a try
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:38


If you need me to send you a picture, then tell me and I will, because it has to be those. The rest of them are going to be a let down. And I've really built this up here, so don't do it so much that you burn your tongue, but make sure it's good. Okay, I think that's enough explanation. But if you need further clarity or you need a photo, please tell me and I'll be happy to provide
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:29
Some more often than not. She hasn't made it yet this year. But when I say I wish sometimes that that version an alternative to traditional banana pudding and the use of strawberries could be an item that is packaged and sold in the grocery stores. That would be dope. That would be dope
