Jonny Roobs
@jonnyroobs · 5:00

Be proud on what you have as a job

And as for right now, I'm jobless. I work a side gig at Uber for the moment, and I find it really cool, but at the same time, it's really not what I want to do, and I just want to be honest about that. They're a good company. I work for them. And it's been a blessing to at least receive some money during this downtime since I've got cut out of my job last February

#economy #jobs #career #americandream

Jonny Roobs
@jonnyroobs · 5:00
But the question is now, will this present job, even though if it's a general job, will that guarantee me a position? So right now we are in a very competitive workforce here in the post pandemic world. We know that technology plays a major role in us having to be hired or not, but more importantly is our fearlessness and determination and just believing in yourself, that can make it the perfect outcome. So yeah, everything is stacked against me
