John Hulsey
@JohnHulsey · 1:15

#TellYourStory | A favorite memory of a pet I no longer have is...

Like, she'd walk a half mile, she'd walk a quarter mile. She'd walk as far as we wanted, as I wanted. But she would just stop the moment we turned around. And if it was far, she was a heavy dog, 70 some pounds. So when we were far enough away from home, I had to call my husband. Ruthie did it again. Can you come pick us up?

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp10 @gaurav1106

Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:38
And he does this really cute thing where he knows that I'm getting ready to leave the house and he will just stop wherever he is in the house and just flop over. He's not going there unless I pick him up and I take him. It reminded me a lot of your ruthie, but just a wonderful story. Wonderful memory. To have sounded like such a little cutie
lianne jedeikin goodsmith
@lianne · 1:02


Hello? Hi, John, it's Leanne. And I've just listened to your beautiful story about your darling dog, Ruthie, and how she used to love walking and then stopped. And I have a dog called Alfred and he does the same thing. He's about twelve years old and he's only 30 pounds. But when he decides that he's had enough of the walk, which could be like five steps out of our home or half an hour later, he just sits
