Jodi Lin
@JodiLin65 · 0:15

#BookReview | A great book that I read recently...

I can't remember the author's name, but it was called the baby monitor, and it was really good, very suspenseful, full of lots of twists and turns, and it was definitely a great book

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb20 @books

Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:12
Yes. Speaking of reading books, have you ever listened to audiobooks? I have before. And that's kind of cool, too, listening to audiobooks. Anyway, take care. Have a great night. Bye
Jodi Lin
@JodiLin65 · 0:30


Yes. As a matter of fact, I love audiobooks. I have a kindle, unlimited membership. And every hour or two before bed, I listen. I get into bed about an hour or so before I'm actually gonna sleep. And I tell. I don't want to say her name because she'll think I'm talking to her. You know what I'm talking about? You know, the echo thing. To read my book. And she does. So I love audiobooks
