Jeremy Lesley
@jeremylesley · 3:01


There's wisdom, there's knowledge, there's help in areas where we need it. We need community. We need it more than ever. You know, that's one of the things I love about the kingdom of God. Father, son, Holy Spirit, the Trinity, set up this whole human experience as relational relationship. We're family. We're family with God, and we're family with other people that God also created

#acceptance #belonging #community #connected

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:03
Like, whatever it is, and I get it, the human opinion and the human condition has always been a thing, it always will be a thing. But I feel like there's extra energy going into the division these days, kind of like what you said, and it's undeniable. But one thing that I feel like we can largely come together and agree on is the balance and the miracles that unfold around us every single day
