Jentrey Potter
@Jentrey_Rey · 4:49

JOIN ME in Daily Gratitude’s!!

I am grateful for all of the many tools, for the many mentors, for the many skill sets, for the many people in my life who have supported me and how I have been able to really see how much I have to offer and to give in this world. I think sometimes we forget that we have so much to offer, that we have so many gifts, because oftentimes our gifts just are part of who we are and we forget how valuable those are

#dailygratitude #attitudeofgratitude #changeyourthoughts #changeyourworld #gratitude

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:37
I love this idea, and I think you're absolutely right. We can get so swallowed up in the darkness of the daily struggle that happens when we focus outward. And the invitation you're giving us to go inside and think and connect to even the smallest bit, that makes us grateful. It's a beautiful practice and never to be underestimated made it in terms of what it can yield in terms of the next minute, because we had a moment of gratitude. So I appreciate this very much
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 1:16


I am a joiner and a not consistent keeper, but I love this idea. I try to write down my gratitudes in my journals and make an effort to be thankful for the small things from coffee and sunshine and milk that is fresh to big things like the people that I have around me. So I would very much like to participate in this, and so I'll be watching for your post to remind me to participate in this. Thank and have a great day
Carla Harrold
@Love_Is_Kind · 1:09


So yes, I do appreciate you starting this up and I'd love to join it but you said the only thing was to make sure we post every day and I would hate to join it and fall short and not be able to do that because I have trouble keeping up with my own things some days. But I do think this is a wonderful idea and I might pop in occasionally but I can't commit to doing it every day as much as I'd like to
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 4:00
I've been experimenting with social audio for the last couple of years, since 2022. And I will tell you this, swell is still my number one go to as far as community. And the thing about it is, the thing I do like about swell is that because you get to hear everyone's verbal intonation, you get to hear their response, and you can't artificially intelligence with that
Jentrey Potter
@Jentrey_Rey · 1:02


You. Thank you for that beautiful response, and I definitely agree. It's sometimes in just those smallest moments that we can take a pause and see how God's hand is in our lives and the small miracles and just those small moments that remind us just how beautiful life is and how much we really do have and often take for granted. So thank you for your response. And I've actually sent an invitation to the private group
Jentrey Potter
@Jentrey_Rey · 1:00


And that can be just noticing things throughout your day that can be checking in here on a daily or weekly or however frequent basis that just fills and resonates with you. So there's no wrong or right way to do it. It's just showing up and sharing your light and your gratitudes and what feels aligned with you in that moment. So just want to say thank you for your contribution to this post, and I hope you have a wonderful day
Jentrey Potter
@Jentrey_Rey · 2:12


You. Thank you so much for your comments and for contributing to this post. And I did invite you to the private group chat. I think I'm still learning how this all works, so let me know if you still need that invitation. But yeah, there's no right or wrong in this. It's just a matter of show up, however, works for you
You are my closest friend, I owe my all to you. I spoke your weed and you brought me through. It had to do with us you keep. You did not judge me. You reach out in love me, that's why I break all you done for me, for the time you lose the shackles on my face I can to create. I'm grateful for the time I made mistakes. I'm grateful, I'm grateful for all you done
Jentrey Potter
@Jentrey_Rey · 1:44


And also, I love having some masculine energy in the mix, so thank you for contributing as well in that regard. And I did send you an invitation to the private group, so hopefully you got that. I am new to swell. I've only been in here for a month or so, so I'm still kind of learning how all the things work in here. So I think I sent you an invitation. If you didn't get it, let me know
Jentrey Potter
@Jentrey_Rey · 0:53


That can be daily or just dropping in whenever you feel aligned. Thank you for sharing that. That was beautiful. So I will extend that invitation. I'm learning how to use this. I've only been in here a month or so, so I'm still learning how this all works, but I will extend that invitation and thank you for being here. Have a wonderful day. Bye
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 0:06


I didn't get the invite. But keep trying. I really need to be a part of this group
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 0:35

@Jentrey_Rey👉Invitation accepted👍🏿

Just make sure you extend the invitation to my wife at love is kind as well, and so she can be in the loop. And you have yourself a wonderful day. Bye
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 4:50

@Jentrey_Rey Grateful for YOU ❤️ #gratitude #love #light #change #others

And it's hard. And it's just hard because they're beautiful. When we're disgruntled adults and we're going on out and they're entering the stage, it's a lot. But I'm grateful for him because he loves me in a way that I don't think another adult could love one. Children love you unconditionally. They love you with your faults, for who you are wholly. You don't have to put on a mask
