Melissa Mae
@ItsMaeDayΒ Β·Β 2:32

Double standard totalitarianism

But because those who control the direction we move in as a society accept that and they're not offended by that, then it's okay. And nothing is ever done about it. And they go on just as they were. But on the other hand, if a conservative Christian had offended those who controlled the direction we move in as a society, there would be a lot of societal repercussions, and their business actually probably would suffer because of the amount media attention that it would get


A few questions. @ItsMaeDay

Welcome to Swell. Melissa. May, I think I have to ask you some questions for some clarification'cause I'm not entirely following. It sounds like Sweet Jesus Ice Cream Shop has symbolism and packaging, branding, perhaps marketing with undertones that are offensive to Christians. Question, how is this different, say, from a conservative Christian having a business where they have an Icsus or a cross, or perhaps even a scripture verse posted? And if that's offensive to others, like, how are these things different?
Melissa Mae
@ItsMaeDayΒ Β·Β 1:09

Expressing faith vs. being intentionally offensive

But if you're a Christian, you definitely do. And for example, an inverted cross is meant to mock Jesus and the sacrifices that he made, it's mocking him. And it is meant to be offensive. That is the whole idea. It's the whole purpose. So it's very different
Melissa Mae
@ItsMaeDayΒ Β·Β 1:10

More double standard

Also another great example, because I could come up with many, but I'll just do one more GQ magazine. I think I don't know if it was last year. It wasn't last year. It was like 2000 and 818 or 2019. They did an article called The Ten Books That You Shouldn't Read. Or basically, they weren't telling you ten books that weren't worth reading. And the Bible was one of the books that made the top ten. Now can you imagine?


When compared with other faiths, do you think that Christianity, or maybe some Christians have invited different criticisms or challenges, or even mocking because of their words or behaviors
Maybe a better question would be, do you then think that Christianity stands apart in that it should not be challenged or criticized or mocked or anything, and that it is in some ways, I guess set apart from any sort of belief or faith in that way
Melissa Mae
@ItsMaeDayΒ Β·Β 1:18

Double standard and constitutionality

I personally don't believe in any type of totalitarianism. With that being said, I believe that they have the right to express themselves in any way they choose. And if people whoever is not offended by that, they can go ahead and get their ice cream there or buy GQ magazine or whatever the case may be
Melissa Mae
@ItsMaeDayΒ Β·Β 3:26

Shadow government

For example, Jack Dorsey is a big time CEO of a giant social network. He's a billionaire. That's how he made his living. That's how he followed his dream. And he said that it was a public square. It was like a digital public square. And so by his admission, he's contradicting himself. And so I don't think he would have a motive to do that

Many factors to consider. @ItsMaeDay

But when it comes to persons and businesses, they have a right to choose what is and isn't acceptable for speech. And Twitter is a business so they can decide. And that is why they have things like their terms of service. We can all read those things and see what is and isn't acceptable, and if we violate it, maybe at first we have something censored, but if we continue to do it, then we face consequences of possibly being banned
Melissa Mae
@ItsMaeDayΒ Β·Β 3:59

"Conspiracy theorist" πŸ™„

And like I said, I know you probably have never looked into those things and think that I'm crazy and that's okay because I'm used to it. And if you believe those type of things, you kind of have to get used to it and just kind of turn the other cheek, because that's how it's always going to be with that being said, I will finish listening to if I have time
Melissa Mae
@ItsMaeDayΒ Β·Β 1:13

Why does it always have to have a title?πŸ€¦πŸ˜‚

And the thing that I was saying about the shadow government, it's more complex, obviously, than what I can just pull out the top of my head in a short conversation. I mean, that's one of those things where you have to watch few documentaries to get a grasp on it. And even then, it's just not something that you it's something that you can absorb the information over long periods of time

Appearances are not always reality. @ItsMaeDay

I wasn't actually talking at all about feelings, or who's offended or how much offended or any outcome from those offenses taken, but rather that appearances are not always what they seem. So it may appear that one group is being targeted in a different way, but there are a lot of other factors to consider that maybe it's not exactly the way it may seem
