Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 2:09

were any movies made in your city?

So I am from Vancouver, Washington, which is only like 15 minutes from Portland, Oregon, a couple of hours from Seattle. And I didn't realize how many movies were actually filmed around me. So I grew up always going to like, Astoria and Seaside, Oregon. Like, those are only about an hour and a half away from where I live. And I grew up always going to the Goonies house because the Goonies took place and was filmed in Astoria


Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 2:06

San Jose, California: not very photogenic

Then they filmed Birdie, starring Nicholas Cage and Ethan Hawke. And that was directed by Alan Parker. And they filmed that at the mental hospital, which isn't there anymore. It's condos now. Apparently, James Cameron came to town and filmed part of Terminator Two in San Jose. I didn't recognize San Jose in that movie. They probably used the new interior of a hospital again because there's nothing distinctive about San Jose's exterior
L Kausar
@LuzuDayum · 0:51

#movie #city #collegevoiceindia #movieshoots

Hi, I'm from Delhi and it's the capital of India. Definitely, it's the capital. And many people from India and outsiders from foreign have come over here for shoots because Delhi is one of the city in our country that has so many monumental pieces around and sites to look upon that people do come and do shoot for the movies or you could say short films and all. So yeah, it's a very versatile place
