Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 1:49

Any opinions on "cancelled" celebrities making comebacks?

It was definitely weird to see him back because I was a fan before everything that happened. And so just seeing him randomly reappear was really strange, I think. And I know he tried to do a little come back to YouTube earlier. I don't know if that was successful or not. So yeah, definitely strange. But I'm curious what you guys think of celebrities and influencers that try to make their comebacks after being canceled


Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:29
I think that this is happening a lot more when it comes to comedians, which is particularly interesting to me because comedians or in the past, they've had this get out of jail free card in many senses, where they'll just say, hey, I'm a comedian. It's a joke, right? And that's not always the case. And I think it's a lazy and sort of childish excuse. It's an example of not really owning up to your art comedy
Samuel Penate
@samuelpenate · 1:38
I know there are more celebrities out there like Tiptoker celebrities too, that they are trying to come back to the media, especially for the reasons that they got canceled out, although I find it very funny because even though they did so much weird stuff in their social media, I feel like they're trying to come out as clean and less, I guess problematic as other people would describe them, though
Kylie Miller
@kyliemiller · 2:20

Cancel culture? Can we learn and grow from it?

I feel like this is like, a really good thing to talk about because, you know, I've seen a lot of celebrities being canceled in the past, and it's it's very like, I don't know how to feel about it sometimes because, you know, obviously they've made mistakes for all he human. We all make mistakes
@paolomcm · 0:37
Cancel culture is very interesting to me because I feel like as individuals, we should be able to make mistakes and learn from them and, you know, acknowledge the mistakes that we made and who we offended. But on the other side, obviously it depends on what you do did and what you said. I feel like a lot of the times it's the latter when people on social media, like TikTok, like they would hate on influencers and are very quick to judge
Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 2:23


I'm pretty much at the same place of believing that if someone is proven to have done something that is considered like can't like that, that you could get canceled for, then to some extent you probably should be. And I see that a lot with the influencers on social media today. I know of this one person on TikTok who has been accused so many different times of grooming assault, like so many different things of getting in touch with minors and stuff
Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 0:31
I have also noticed, like the beauty community having I've noticed that a lot of them have gotten canceled, but are all making their comebacks. I know James Charles, like you said, and I remember Laura Lee and even like Jeffrey Star, I just think it's crazy to watch all of them make a comebacks into the world as if they never left. Very Berry
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 1:10


I think you definitely can learn and grow from certain things that you've done in the past, but I think it's definitely to an extent because there are some things that you if you say something, there's some things that you just know you shouldn't have said and there's no really defending it and stuff like that. I feel like a lot of choices are made that just aren't very smart and a lot of people don't learn from them for the right reasons
Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 0:34
I completely agree. I think it's all very just like dependent on the mistake that was made or the incident that happened or the thing that whoever said was what they said and stuff like that. I think every situation is different too. But yeah, I think both sides very true. You can definitely learn from them but sometimes there's also things that just can't be redeemed
Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 1:52
For example, in one of my replies to someone else, I was talking about a TikToker who has been accused so many different times of so many different things like grooming and to assault, to everything. And I just don't think that somebody like that should have the opportunity to just come back to the world publicly like nothing ever happened and just move on. I think that is not something we should normalize because I feel like it's kind of happening now more than ever
