Maitri Doshi
@Innocentgrl27 · 2:33

Love health fight

When we hear cancer, most people go through a series of depression, agony. But an author who has painted her own story did a good job at handling the news. She fought mentally as well as physically. As it is said that you go to war mentally more than physically, the author said the same don't lose hope. Nothing is impossible. Live your life to the fullest. If you let things get to you, you will never survive

#inspiring #innocent27 #poetsofswell

Uchi. Uchita Galaiya
@Feather · 0:54


Hi. This is Feather. I just listened to your swell recently and I found it really very interesting, very empowering and very inspiring. I'll surely read it. And being in medicine, like, it's very important that you get diagnosed for your conditions and treat them well. Also, as a therapist, it's our job that we comfort and provide psychological support to patient and their family members, which is our primary goal
