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Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 0:25

In conversation with Body Positivity Influencer- Ishmita Puri

Happy Saturday. Swell. Hello everyone. Today I'd like to introduce you all to a body Positivity influencer and a content creator Ishmita Puri. She has a mission to break the stigma and spread awareness on positive body image. Today we'd like to have a conversation with her on body positivity. We welcome you Ashworth and swim

#sayitonswell #bodypositivity

Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 0:05
Hello. Hi. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited
Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 0:39


It's my pleasure to have you here Ishmita and I'm very excited to have this conversation with you because I feel like we all feel and as you've said, that everything around us is so normal, but we all just feel that we are flawed. So it'll be lovely to have a conversation with you about body positivity and body image. So let's get started with our interview. So my first question for you is, how does does our body influence the way we feel about ourselves?
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 1:32


So you think that people will judge you, they will make fun of you because they have always been doing that. So that affects you really. And that is why you are tend to step back from things you actually want to do. And one should have like one has a right to do everything they want to do, whatever makes them happy. So stepping away from my own right, just because of how I feel about myself or how others feel about my body type, it was really devastating
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 0:32
And I think it's high time that the society needs to change and we normalize. All body types all body types are normal and acne is normal and stretch marks are normal and having texture skin is normal. And there are a lot of things that are considered flawed by society, but actually all of it is normal. So unless and until we start to love ourselves and we start to see ourselves differently, we won't be able to succeed in anything. Advice
Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 1:18


I do feel like that the world around us and the people especially, they just try to dilute or poison our mind with their words and opinions. But as long as we're standing standing strong, as long as we know what our journey has been and we don't value the validation of others, I feel like we can be true to ourselves. And like you said, opinions of other people. Yes, they do break our confidence. They make us feel like we're not good enough
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 0:48
And I have practice, I have started coping up with some measures with some practice measures which have helped me keep up with the Positivity and try to ignore and cut down the negativity as much as possible
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 2:41
For a normal human being to handle it's way too much. They are so harsh sometimes that they will just ruin your day. But you just don't have to let that affect you for a longer period of time. It is just a matter of day. Just not think about it too much because they don't deserve that. They are not worth it. They are not that worthy of getting that much of attention from you. And you deserve much more better
Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 1:07


I don't feel like anyone should do that to anyone because everybody has their own choice of living and leading a life in a certain way. Size and clothes really don't matter. Body type doesn't matter as long as you're happy being you. I don't know why people do that, but moving on to the next question Ishmita, is the fitness and makeup movement where everyone wants to look a certain way created unrealistic expectations among people? What are your thoughts about it
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 1:25
But if it is affecting you in a negative body image, or if it is portraying a bad image or unrealistic beauty standards, then I think it's not the right thing to do. You should not feel insecure and you should not cover yourself up with makeup, lipsticks and stuff just to look good from outside. And, you know, things still think negatively from inside
Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 0:27


I totally agree to you totally. Makeup is something that enhances your beauty, but it should not be something that you look forward to as your yourself. So yeah, I totally agree to you. Moving on to our fourth question. Has using social media affected your views on body image or your personal body in any way
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 2:52
And honestly, I have had a lot of health issues, and I have been trying my level best to work out. And whenever I can, it's not important to work out every day, even though you your body is not supporting, your body is not supporting. You should not go against it and you should not work out in that case
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 0:50
That's how your body is reacting and supporting you and how you can change it in better version and you should do it for yourself and not others or get compelled by others
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 3:22
I fought the battle and I still fight with myself. I still fight with body major shoes sometimes and I go through some negativity and lack of confidence. There are days when I feel overly confident, there are days when I feel positively confident and there are also some days when I feel very negatively demotivated and I don't feel like making videos or I don't feel like opening social media. So sometimes yes, you should have your share of pain and you should have your share of space from social media
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 2:43
I am a creator and I have everything on social media. My career is there in Instagram, but I try my best to limit myself. I don't use Instagram that much in a day because I know what are my priorities. I know that is my work, which I have to do
Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 1:04


Ishmitha you're in true inspiration for a lot of girls out there who don't feel confident and who don't feel comfortable being themselves. You're coming out and spreading awareness, positivity to them, trying to make them understand that you can be you without the fear of judgment and you should never be ashamed of who you are. And I'm sure a lot of girls look up to you as their role model or as someone who they can see that is very happy and very confident being themselves
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 2:35
But honestly, I don't know how to tell them that nobody is perfect. You just have to think that you're perfect in your own self. But if you will think perfect according to the society, you won't be able to achieve it. You cannot be perfect according to people. You have to be just perfect in your own way. About body positivity and about self confidence, people should know how to love themselves. It is very important today
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 2:34
Self love, self acceptance and self confidence is a phase that you know when a person achieves it, they are just unstoppable. And I think it's high time that everyone should start loving themselves. I am 19 years old and I'm so proud of loving myself and I've seen so many people who are in their thirtys or fortys and they are still insecure. You cannot just spend your whole life feeling insecure about yourself, feeling insecure about your body type. You have to get over it
Ishmita Puri
@ishmitapuri · 3:19
You will find yourself one day and I hope you do because I hope that you don't spend the rest of your life thinking that what if I changed myself? What would have happened if I changed myself back then, if I would have changed myself back then? So yeah, change yourself now. Be a better version of yourself. Know what you want. Be mature to with your body
Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 0:50


You know, I watched a show named Euphoria and Maddie. She's a character there. She said 90% of life is confidence. And the thing about confidence is no one knows if it's real or not. Myself don't know if confidence is true or not. But what I know is if you're confident, you're going to rule the world. I am sure of that. So, yes, like you said, confidence is very much needed in life
