Gentle Flame By India
@INDIA333 · 4:34

What is the price of a smile or a kind word?

Spreading a little kindness is so easy to do, but yet so hard for others to do. I ended up moving a few months ago, almost a year ago, and the place that I'm at now, walking into a store, I get so many different vibes from people. Very few of them are really friendly, willing to conversate, you know, just show some kindness, a simple smile. Most of them will look at me like I've done something to them, honestly, just
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 2:13
Or they simply don't want to do that for whatever reason. So it is a gift to be able to spread kindness, spread happiness, goodness around, you know, like, to make somebody's day, to help, to be generous, those kind of things. And there is no price to it. Like, I won't ever compare it with money or with any other priced positions. Let's say those are priceless
