Stacey Kedeja
@iamkedeja · 4:45

How do you feel about social media and dating?

And me, I'm like, I want to ask questions. And when I ask questions, I get the short answers, the no, the yes. And I'm like, okay, maybe I'm not asking the question right. So just trying to figure out this whole intricacies of dating out on social media and especially being over 40, there's a different dynamic as well. It's not the quantity, it's the quality of the person

#dating #socialmedia #inspired #healing #redoill #bluepill #connection

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 2:27


You just want to the typical, good morning, beautiful, good night, let's go have a beer or let's go eat. No, I'm not going to go eat. I'm not going to go hang out until I get a true feel for who you are. So for me, that would be an instant. And I am that person where originally we would talk for hours when we were younger. And I get that we're a lot busier now as adults
