Stacey Kedeja
@iamkedeja · 2:54

Money and being out of touch!

Because sometimes we say things and we do things and I'm saying people in general I'm not saying we as putting. I'm just saying people in general, sometimes we forget or we lose touch with what other people are going through because we're no longer going through that or we're no longer in that situation and we're no longer even hanging around people who are going through that. Even the people we might surround ourselves with change their income changes

#money #wealth #9to5 #commomfolk #paychecktopaycheck

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:02
They don't know what that's like. And they were middle class back in the they're not middle class anymore. So, no, they don't understand what it's like in today's world to be a middle class person. But I think the further away you get from something, the more out of touch you become. And I think that's the case with anything. Like married people become more out of touch with single people because they've been married for 25 years
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 4:23
Well, maybe I shouldn't say that, but I do kind of feel like they're not living from paycheck to paycheck or worrying about budgeting and all that stuff. And, look, if the price for a suit or a winter jacket goes up by 20%, Jay Z or Beyonce or Warren Buffett is not going to say, oh, I'm not going to buy that. No, they don't even think about it. They're still going to buy that
