Shatakshi Tiwari
@I_blabber · 2:10

Does shopping really help us feel better?

Online shopping can also ignite dopamine release in another way waiting for your package to arrive? Think about retail subscriptions where you may not know exactly what's being delivered in the box. The unpredictability increases your anticipation and since the reward is unpredictable, experienced topa means you'll excitement. So yes, that's it for today. Thank you and give it a reply

#sayitonswell #retail #retailtherapy #shopping #mood #mentalhealth #psychology

Gauri Agarwal
@gauriAgarwal27 · 1:17
Hi. It's a really great topic to talk about. Whatever. That shopping makes us feel better for some people, I can see is for some people, I guess, eating McDonald's and feel better after a bad situation. Because I also do that. But I sometimes add something in my card and then I already mentally happy or happy. So I just don't need that shopping. Like last night, I wanted to buy a dress, but then I don't know what happened
Anshi Sharma
@xoxo_2004 · 0:27
Hey, thanks for the invite and that was a really good topic for us. Well, and I agree, when done in moderation, everything is good. So I am not much of a shopping therapy person. But yes, sometimes even I want to go out and buy something for myself, to feel happy or feel good about myself. And I can see why it brings happiness to me now. So yeah
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Aditya Shakya
@adityashakya · 0:38
Yeah, shopping help us in doing or in feeling better, because shopping is something which everyone likes to do. And if you take an example of anything, like if you want to buy or something and you were waiting since long and you have a bad day or a move and you wanted to if your parents say the mood will get better or you will feel better that they are okay, I do agree with the topic
Shatakshi Tiwari
@I_blabber · 0:20
Thank you so much for a reply. Shouldh and yes, I agree that it may not work for everybody, but it works for most of the people. And of course, food is a another great mood buster. So thank you so much and keep listening. Bye
Shatakshi Tiwari
@I_blabber · 0:10
Thank you so much for your reply. And it s great to find, like, mandate people and stay tuned for amazing girls
Shatakshi Tiwari
@I_blabber · 0:10
Thank you so much for the wonderful reply. Adepted. And, yes, indeed, we feel good when we buy something new, so keep shopping
Naina 🏳️‍🌈
@chipotle69 · 1:01

@I_blabber 😔✌️

But I really don't try to minimize the amount of things I buy because I'm kind of more, I don't know, aware of the whole sustainability aspect and what will happen to the environment, etcetera, etcetera. So I'm trying to minimize the amount of things that I buy as much as I can, of course, but, yeah, I can't really speak for other people, but retail therapy shopping definitely makes me feel bad out there. So yeah
gungun bansal
@gungunbansal_ · 0:27
Hi, I hope you're doing great and thank you so much for watching that. I've been listening to podcasts since very long time, so I do find it very good. I just want to appreciate you for your content. The content you posted was actually amazing. And to be honest, I loved do the shopping. Like even shopping for my mother, shopping for my father, shopping for my brother
