Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 1:35

FUTURE TRIPPING | #TellYourStory - When did something turn out to be way better than you expected?

And I'm choosing this prompt because it's a positive way of looking at the fact that sometimes when we future trip and we have anxiety about what's to come, it all turns out to be, in the end, not even connected to what actually happened. I think it was the great writer Mark Twain that said the worst things in life for him never happened, meaning that he had this imagination about what life would be, but it never turned out to be those bad things that he thought about

#FutureTripping #Anxiety #GoodNews

Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 1:57
So anyway, years later, I'm older now, my family wants to go on a cruise, so they asked me if I want to come, but I was kind of unsure because I was like, I don't know, because I had bad experiences before and people didn't like me. But I figured that I was older now, so I might as well check it out. I don't need to talk to anybody. I can just hang out with myself
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 4:01


Okay, so I go to this comic con, and it's, like, in this huge hall. And I went a day early, and I walked around, I mapped it out. So the next day when I was there, man, I was cool as a cucumber. I knew where I was going. I knew what I was doing. I was so anxious and nervous about meeting one of my favorite people, Michael Rosenbaum, again, who is Mishpacha, who is now family
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:15
I would have to say if I had to name one situation in my life that turned out way better than I expected. It was when I met my friends in California face to face for the first time. I had been part of a friend group which was based in California. I live in Virginia, and we have been friends for a few years. And we talked on the phone regularly, communicated regularly, and have built up a very solid relationship. But I had never met them in person
Richard Taliaferro
@richtaliaferro · 2:53
And I got some good advice from a friend of mine who used to run, and he said, look, training is going to be hard, and that's fine. Treat the marathon itself, race day, as a celebration of all the work that you had to put into it. And that was one of the things that I've carried with me since then. And I got to marathon day. You can see in the photo that the weather was perfect. It was like 40 degrees cold
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:55
It's just fantastic stick and it really makes me think about how interesting it is when we're asked to reflect on things that we tripped about that didn't turn out bad. But also, how does this affect our future behavior around future tripping? After you hear these stories, you're like, you know what, I'm not going to waste energy because things are going to be good, but I do think it's human nature also
Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 3:53
Some would heard my show, and so they would make me feel a little easier saying, oh, yeah, I listened to that bit that you did with, you know, man, I can't believe how many people you had in the studio. I said, well, what do you mean? And they said, well, I heard all these voices. And I said, well, that was me. I said, what? I said, yeah
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:49


But I think it's a lifelong journey to handle what might be excitement but could also sit in our body as anxiety and future tripping. It's an interesting line. Thanks so much for thinking about this
