Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 3:18

SOCIAL ISOLATION | "Lost in Translation

Hello. Welcome to where the light gets in. This week we've been looking at social isolation. And on Fridays, I look at how culture, film, books, tv, music, addresses the issues we're talking about. And this week, since we're talking about loneliness and social isolation, I wanted to look at lost in translation, which was a film in 2003 that really stands out as one that connects us to the issue

#SocialIsolation #Loneliness

Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 2:07
It, hey, this is such a great movie. And I can't believe it's been 20 years, over 20 years since this movie was released. And it felt like it. It resonates even more now than it did when it first was released. And, you know, the great performances and the theme that it sort of hits on sort of isolation and loneliness. And I think. I think this film is
