Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 2:03

AGE IS JUST A NUMBER | introduction & Quote

I think it's a very intense process for some people, depending upon where they are in their life and where they've met their dreams, if they've met their loves, if they've achieved the things they thought were based in their youth, but also just the physicality of growing older and what that means to us. We're going to look at all these perspectives this week, but for now, here's the introduction. We're talking about the idea that age is just a number

#Aging #Health #Longevity #Attitude

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:39
And I'm like, wow, you know, because she always walks all the time. She always is out doing something. So, you know, she's 74, but she gets around amazingly, you know. So, like I said, I do believe age is just a number, but the body will begin to tell you that it's not that the number that's increasing is making you have to sit down more. But you know what? If you're in good health and exercising and
Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 4:59

@hope @LadyFi @DBPardes

Mmm. I really love this discussion. It's something I've been thinking about a lot, actually, as I've been getting older and actually even seeing something in myself as I've gotten older that I haven't expected to see. And that's a little bit of reverse aging, if I'm to be totally honest. And it isn't necessarily something that's happened because I've started living better, taking better care of myself
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@homosanity · 5:00
But, you know, it's funny because when I was younger and I seen adults with their frowns and stuff, I'd always tell my cousins, now we're never going to get older. We're going to hold on to our youth because we're not going to become like that. And I feel
Gentle Flame By India
@INDIA333 · 2:05
This brought me back to when I turned 30. For a while, I was having a very hard time with turning 30. I didn't see myself where I wanted to be, where I wanted to be at that point in my life, appearance wise, I looked way younger than what I was. So I got into the habit of telling everyone I was, like, 27 years old. And I did this for a while
Kim Soliz
@apianogirl · 4:51
Age is not just a number. I think obviously, as you grow older and have more life experiences, that is something that the younger generation does not have and needs to realize that you can still learn from someone who is older than you just because of that. Now saying that those of us in the older generation, we don't all have the same experiences either. I like the whole picture of this is you and this is your bubble
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:56

@L-All-I-Song @homosanity @LadyFi

Wow. I just wanted to thank all three of you for replying to this so far. There's a theme here of just there's there's a surrender and then there's a fight, and then there's a, you know, there's humor. There's there's so many things packed into these three replies, and I'm just fascinated by the whole, you know, rhythm aspect that la I l all eyes song talked about
Naf. T.
@Naffy · 1:55
For example, if somebody becomes a mom and this person is a teenager, they're expected to behave different than teenagers who are not moms. So I think in that way, they're expected to be older based on the culture, because their title changes and not necessarily because their age is different, like whether they're older or younger. So I think it's. There's some societal expectations or restrictions
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:59

Age impacted by Trauma, and life experience. Emotional Age

So that's the physical part of that age. There's a woman in our town who just turned 105, I believe, or 103, and I actually won an award for volunteerism in service. She's just the volunteer. Amazing woman. And to. I'm going to ask her this question, actually. Yeah, this is a great question. Thank you, Deb, for this exploration on age
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:27


Hey, Shawna. Wow. I really hope you do a swell on your row of the Charles. That is incredible. Kind of include us in that experience. You're so powerful. That's so amazing. I'm a bit older than you. Just a little bit. And I am an avid kayaker in the ocean in Los Angeles. And I know I'm on some levels, in the best shape I've ever been in, and it's something to celebrate, for sure
