@homosanity · 5:48

#TellMyStory Halloween Version: Do You Believe In Ghosts?

So my dad passed away. We were all there. And a night or two after, I was asleep. And when I was asleep, I awoke to the feeling of somebody. And I thought it was my mom had taken a hold of my toe and wiggled it. And I sat up, but nobody was there. And it was like, wow. It was this feeling of who was that? And it was also this feeling of like, God, that was kind of irritating

#tellyourstory #ghosts #halloween

And I remember being in the room while everyone was standing around my mother and my grandmother's mother, and they're crying and they're devastated, you can tell. And I just really did not get it. And I remember this man in this gray suit with a carnation pinned to his lapel sat down with me and said, it's going to be okay. Your grandma's in heaven, and she has died, and she's not going to be with you anymore
