@homosanity · 3:54

Are you going down to Benson Road?

The Chinese are building something quite similar to Silk Road, and it's called the Benson Road, which would come from there through Europe and down through Africa, which is a rail system. They're buying up ports and building rail systems, and they're offering Africa all these loans with all these stipulations. And if they can't pay off the loans, guess who owns the land? And America's doing some pushback on it, but none of this is in the news

#Africa #Chinatakeovee #Kenya #commerce

SayCo Show
@saycoshow · 1:09
Hey, it's Seiko Alford. Wow, that is really interesting. No, I have not heard any of this. And I'm an international flight attendant. I'm really shocked that they're trying to move in that way. Sounds very sneaky and suspicious, but you have to give it for the people in Africa, too. I mean, if they're willing to give it up in some weird loan or some sort of agreement, it's on them. That's so interesting, though
