@homosanity · 1:25

#Tell my story: The One Class I Used To Always Enjoy

And I took a number of his classes throughout my career in college, and basically, partly he was the reason I went into teaching, and I emulate some of that in my teaching today. Another reason was that I was kind of attracted to him, really. There was something about him, and so there was a bit of an intimidation factor sometimes, but I did admire him them quite a bit. So, yes, that was my favorite class. It

#Lit #hotforteacher #change

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:37
Hey, thanks for the invite. My favorite class is also English. In high school. I loved it because I loved to write. I wrote a lot of poetry and song, and I actually used to write some good stories. I mean, I remember that I won a few awards for being one of the best in the school during test time. So, yeah, I loved English. I loved it because it allowed me to be free, allowed me to put my feelings on paper
