@homosanity · 3:00

My Spiritual Journey: My Path to Jesus and Beyond

But I do want to break this podcast up because there might be parts that you don't want to listen to. That way it's not so long. So I'm going to basically talk about my spiritual journey and where I am today, and a lot of it has to do with how I became spiritually well, and a born again Christian and where I am today

#Spiritualty #Christian #God #Universe #Spirit #Journeys

@homosanity · 4:55

My 1st Childhood Spiritual Experience

My first spiritual spirit experience that really got me thinking was I had to do classes for first communion. And this was, you know, everybody made it such a big ordeal. Like it was going to be this special thing. We were going to have a celebration. So I thought, you know, okay
@homosanity · 5:00

High School: A Spiritual Retreat—I was never the same

So, goodness gracious, great balls of fire, I go on this retreat, which is just an incredible step. You have to understand, I am in school having panic attacks, being bullied, all sorts of things going on. For me to go was a big ordeal. So I go. And on this retreat, at a certain point, there is a play of a child going through divorce that the students do
@homosanity · 4:55

Adult: Almost Losing Faith Completly

And the more I looked into it, the more I realized what wasn't true and what was. And the things in the back of my mind that always bothered me were coming forth and the reality of certain things. So I practically almost lost my faith and got it all. But what that did was it set me on a journey to what I believe, what others believe, what is really going on, what I don't know. Can I be comfortable with what I don't know?
@homosanity · 5:00

Adult: Where I Am Today

And so my spiritual life continues, even though I will add this caveat that I feel that we're in a darker time right now, and I'm really concerned about disturbances in the force. If we use Luke Skywalker's term or Star wars terms, it just seems unusual, unusual goings on, spiritually speaking. Sometimes I entertain that God has just walked away from us
@homosanity · 4:54

Final Thoughts

You don't know the heavenly realms, all this kind of stuff, which is, you know, if you have any experience, I mean, being with other people of different cultures, different face, you know, what a crack of shit that is. Just to be honest, I learned that when I went to college. Just by going to college and meeting so many different people, it really opened my eyes and coming out as well
