Kyle Phillips-Thomas
@HigherHumans · 3:19

The Fear and Avoidance of Feeling your Pain, is Ultimately what Causes your Internal Suffering!

We fear the pain of being abandoned by a loved one or by society. We fear the pain of being a failure. We use our precious energy to create preventative measures aka defense mechanisms or walls in order to seem secure and at the same time never seeing the bigger picture that the pain we are avoiding is ultimately the key to our growth

#selfhealing #universalwisdom #deepthoughts #selfawareness #knowthyself #psychology #painandsuffering #wisdom #trauma #traumahealing

Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00

When we lose the fear of pain, things hurt less. It’s a curious thought… (got cut off)

But we don't actually know that until we are dealing with XYZ. Or if you're someone who's come through a lot of pain and trauma, like actual pain and trauma, people go, oh, how strong you are. It's unbelievable how strong you can be. But it's not like you wake up in the morning going, I'm going to be really strong today
Kyle Phillips-Thomas
@HigherHumans · 2:12

Pain is the essence of your growth #painandsuffering

We're not intentionally teaching them to avoid pain, but we're teaching them to stay within the confines of their box, meaning they're staying within their ego idea of who they are and at the same time they're neglecting or abandoning the self, the bigger aspects. Right. And to shift from that idea or that identity that you are in, where you've been conditioned to be in, and shift to a new way of seeing yourself, there will be pain
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00


There isn't one. Everything smoking a cigarette does is toxic to the body, but it's pleasure masked suffering. So I will respectfully disagree with the point about it not being intentional. I think it is very intentional. Maybe it's not driven by any particular person, but there are definitely big interests that are clearly motivated to profit off of mass sales. Global chain, you know, there's an entire industry dedicated to suffering and comfort and the very strange relationship between the two


And it's a different imagery but the same sort of concept of holding these ideas loosely in my hands. And so because of embracing complexity and nuance, there is more freedom and fluid and I have experienced personally a lot of growth through that process. And so I do think pain can help us get there, but it's not the only path. That was my long ramble to finally end up there. I suppose maybe they do fit together
inderjit …
@inder · 5:00
The core lesson to be learned is I need to be larger than my individual self and that I'm part of a divine plan where everybody is interconnected and the pain I'm feeling is because I'm isolating and dissociating myself. Pain stems from dissociation. It needs to be embraced, not avoided
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:59


I think also a desire to stay curious about pain, like not judge it good, bad, wrong, right, shameful, whatever. And it's interesting what you also note about how we look for relationships, right? So yeah, I mean, any idea that you attach to if reality then doesn't conform to your idea and you are attached to it, that is what's going cause the suffering, but not the pain
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00


You cannot say, oh, this pain and this experience that you had was so much worse than that person's experience of pain. There is no way to qualify what is more intense. We can qualify individually. Oh, this thing I felt was stronger or more intense than the last time I felt something similar. You made a beautiful point about how we want to direct pain into someone else. That's so true
Kyle Phillips-Thomas
@HigherHumans · 3:35
You can see it from that perspective. And there is a part of you that has to be destroyed to selfactualize what's underneath, right? So, yes, I get it. You don't have to see it as painful. But the universe doesn't work in any other way, right? Because you think you believe, which is your subjective perspective objectively, it can't work any other way. And truth can't be relative
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:22


I think it's a convention. I don't think it's really a reality. Yes, people do walk around with their own truths every day in their heads. They absolutely do look at American politics. So, I mean, if you're very attached to the objectivity of things, that's the personal attachment. And it's just as subjective as any other attachment in the way that I see it. So I think objectivity is overrated
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:02
But do you understand why it is painful? That's the key. Do you understand why you are suffering? That's the key. And make no mistake, you will never be able to avoid pain or suffering completely. You will always invariably be in some form of pain and suffering. It doesn't go away. I don't care what type of philosophy, meditation, or whatever you're doing, it's still going to be there. But managing it, that's the key
Kyle Phillips-Thomas
@HigherHumans · 3:38
And it's completely subjective. Right. And your question is, when have I ever experienced objectivity? Well, you're always experiencing objectivity, always. And then subjectively interpreting what's there, right? So what's happening for us to see this rose? Well, the petals of the rose is absorbing all the spectrum of color except that blue. Then that blue is reflected off the rose, and it hits your eyeballs and then interpreted by your mind to see the color blue. Right?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:21
Hi. It's JL. I like this. It's it's a topic. We need to speak up more. And I know personally, for me, I was raised to avoid pain, to not talk about pain is bad. And as I have experienced life and still am experiencing life, thank God, I realize pain is where I am groomed to grow and be successful and to prosper and to evolve, transition, even. I myself did a swell last week
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:57

@FryedOreo got cut off "that most aren’t trained for."

The suffering is the attachment that you have to the things that are connected to the pain. So there are three kinds of suffering that we can really kind of talk about. Suffering of suffering. This is like all the blatant suffering birth, old age, sickness, death, separation from what we hold most dear, having to encounter what is unwanted and then not achieving what we desire even if we pursue it. That's blatant suffering first kind of suffering
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:21


And that is not necessarily useful to the brain. So we are not able to hold onto that unless we are in a state of contemplation, something Eastern philosophy goes quite deeply into. So regardless of perception, I feel like your argument falls apart in that there is some universal thinking principle to start with. You see, truth is not known through the senses. It's known. But how did you come to know that, if not through your senses?
inderjit …
@inder · 5:00


Whereas what it really means is that you go back to the oneness, the source to ask for all energy and all power to help you deliver what you're here to deliver as a soul. And what you're here to deliver as a soul is your sole purpose, which is higher, which is selfless, which is beyond you, which is probably a creative expression of your soul through serving the world and fellow human beings in the form of art or culture or making bridges or creating a business empire
inderjit …
@inder · 4:53


You read books about near death experiences, you read books about mediums, you read books about channels. You read books about several people who've experienced that ecstatic state of enlightenment and that bailed a state of infinite love. They'll tell you that nothing else compares people going in for psychedelics or people going in for various experiences that give them that state of heightened awareness. Momentarily we'll come back and tell you that ultimately there are two parts that open up from mushrooms to meditation or from mushrooms to marijuana
inderjit …
@inder · 4:41


Otherwise, without the ornaments and the chains of expectations, life is so beautiful, so colorful, vibrant, joyous and flowing effortlessly. And that's the state, her fees and all the exhorted masters and the Buddhas of the world have talked about that's the perfect shonetattava zero that we need to go around. Infinity is a sign that just keeps curling back onto itself. The whole planetary movements are elliptical. They come back to do the traverse again. Universe is expanding and contracting cyclic all over again
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:44

@theheartdrive and @inder

I don't have much to say but to thank you both for opening my mind up to different ways of possibilities, of considering choice within ego as well as pain and suffering that I never consider. And I always especially you, hard drive. I appreciate your mind and it's cool to have you here on the platform and endure. This is my first time hearing you and I'm just blown away. I don't even know what to say
Kyle Phillips-Thomas
@HigherHumans · 1:20
Super, super grateful for all you guys chiming in. Yeah, it's a really deep topic and obviously, you know, we all have our different perspectives. A lot of this channel is going to be looking at things from a very objective sense, an objective point of view. You I try to keep my subjective perceptions of things and look at things in a more objective way
