Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:46

Some California Educators Want To Replace FOUNDATIONAL Maths With This Instead🤔

They're going to have to learn about credit cards, how to save bank accounts, starting a bank account, maybe even throw in business, how to open a business account, taxes, those type of things. So I do think that's important, and I do think taking at least one, one data science course before college would be helpful. But throwing away foundational math completely, I don't know. But anyway, let me know your thoughts. Thank you for listening. Bye

Link to Medium Article: #math #school #lifelessons

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:22
So you prepared to look in a different, you are generally prepared to pursue a number of different fields once you're a little mature, to understand what might be a good fit for you and what you understand you want to do, so that you don't have to start all over and spend tens of thousands of dollars reeducating yourself when you could have done that for free in the k through twelve system. So, for example, data science was brought up as the point
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:33
And to limit kids to that, just because it's the most current thing, doesn't necessarily give them the foundational skills that they need to really excel in communication and how can I say, vocabulary and expressing oneself and professional communication. So to me I think about it more of a seed that allows you to grow. It's foundational. It allows you the ability to set foot in many different paths rather than be stuck in one
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:17


So if you understand that, then you were allowed to take a foreign language. And so when I was in middle school, I always excelled in English and history, so I was able to take a foreign language course. So, yeah, I agree with everything you said here. Thanks for responding
