Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:22

‘The Perfumist of Paris’— Initial REACTION + My Inspiration For a Mandala♥️

And there's talks that book four, I think it may be book four or a new series, but the author has a new book coming out in 2025 called six Nights in Bombay. So anyway, the first image you see here is the COVID of the perfumist of Paris. This is what I am going to use as my inspiration and example for the picture you see in the next slide, the mandala that is from coloring heavens mindful mandala coloring book. So I love the colors

Link to YouTube: #adultcoloring #AANPHIMONTH #mandala #art

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:46
And the concept of the story, you know, the story of the trilogy sounds really fascinating, as well. All in all, it sounds like you're just having loads of fun, love you time. And I think that's really amazing that you are sharing about it and inspiring that habit in other people. And you have a YouTube channel, man. You're just killing it. It's awesome that you're doing so many cool things
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:00


Hey, Ty. Thank you so much for chiming in. You know, I try. I definitely try. I may not have that many subscribers yet. I believe it's 24 on YouTube. But exactly like you said, I'm enjoying what I am doing, because in the mornings, I tend to have more of the free time
