Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:27

Some DIABETICS FEAR Food— Here’s Why, and Why I TOTALLY Understand 💜

But yeah, I just wanted to say that I totally get why some diabetics now mistrust food. Food. Because even healthy food can spike our sugars. Things like bananas, things like cereal, things like oatmeal, things like, I don't know, cherries can spike our sugar. It's depressing. It really is. But let me know your thoughts. I'll be back with more swells

#Diabetics #Sugar #Depression #EatingWell

lashonda walton
@Trap_Formation7 · 4:53


But back on subject, I began, I want to say back in August of last year, I went on a fast because I was depressed and I was going through a dark place in my life and diabetes, my weight was kind of heavy, and I just went into a dark place, and I went on a fast, and I prayed and I talked to God over these days, and lo and behold, I took away pork and I took away beef because I could eat a pack of bacon myself
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:07


My husband and I, we stopped eating pork and beef a long time ago, but every now and then, just like you, we kind of tap into it, especially me having the low iron, it really helps to have that hema blood or protein to help with the iron. So it's good to have a balance. Everything in life is about balance. If something is off or if there's a disease going on, that means something is off balance, and that's what causes the disharmony
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

lashonda walton
@Trap_Formation7 · 4:18
A lot of things that I have overcame and challenges in battle when it came to my health, grief and everything else, I have listened to these people day in, day out, and I have overcame a lot. So take time, look up, look up Joseph Spencer for that. And Queen Alfre will show you how to turn your kitchen into a healthy, healthy environment, into, she calls it a lavatory, your health laboratory
