Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:22

If I Could Do It All Over Again, I’d MAJOR In…

Hello. Good morning. Swell. Happy Thursday to all of you. And I wanted to start a kind of discussion series that's more academic themed. And I want to let you know there are several majors I wish I'd major in. And second of all, I went to junior college. I went to university afterwards but never finished. But these are just my thoughts on what I wish I would have majored in. So be prepared, because there are several things I wish I'd majored in

Welcome to An Academic Kind of Discussion Series! 🤓 #College #HistoricalFacts #History #Life

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:59
Hi, Erica. I really did enjoy this. Swell. I didn't finish college. You know, I had my two babies and it was just too much. I didn't have a babysitter or anything and I couldn't afford, you know, to take them to daycare. So anyway, I didn't finish. I mean, I think about finishing today, but the cost, the cost of college is just excessive
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:22


But never feel that you can't engage with the discussion. Because trust me, there are many times I wanted to finish college, but I think I messed my own self up when it comes to the financial part. And then the other small part was the university that I went to and what they messed up on. So it definitely just ruined it for me. So I couldn't finish, but I would love to finish, but couldn't finish. And things like that do happen
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:40


I just wanted to say thank you so much for validating my feelings for a long time. It truly bothered me that I didn't finish because I wanted my kids to see me succeed. And they've seen me succeed in other things. But that was a big thing. Both my sisters have master's degrees and I don't. He didn't even try to go to college, but that's just him. We knew he probably wouldn't because he liked to work with machines and stuff like that
Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 3:12
Because the most important degree that you can share with anybody is raising kids. A lot of people don't even know how to raise kids today. If you listen to my spoke cast earlier, I feel very sorry for kids who are coming into the world today because they have parents that are so consumed by what they are doing that they don't have time to raise their own kids. And in New York City, I find a lot of times the kids are raising the parents
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 3:08
You got to be based in the grammar, but then the style and you know, all that. Thank you for replying and jumping off that swell of books and libraries. You're right. Absolutely. Walking into those spaces where all of that is contained. It wouldn't be the same for me if it was just one thing, one subject, if it was just all science or just all history. I love that it's all the variety and that the ages and the target audience
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:36


And in your children's eyes, Evelyn, you are a success. And in reality, you are a success. But again, because society set certain rubric for life, and mostly, mainly with college, we feel like we haven't succeeded because we haven't been to those institutions. And I have a lot to say about that. But I'll continue on with the academic series. Thank you so much for your contribution
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:32


I said I knew it because I like to read different things. I just happened to know it. It's just a blessing that I knew it, but it didn't require a degree. And ever since then, she would give me the stink eye, and I was like, it's really not that deep or that serious. But it goes to show that even with those with a degree, all it means is that you studied something very intently
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:34


Hi, Ellen. Thank you for responding. I definitely resonate with you with the math. It wasn't until I got to junior college that I began to fully understand algebra, and I was tutoring students in algebra to help them understand it. Anything above algebra I struggled with, but I was able to tutor and help other people with it. Now ask me if I remember anything from algebra now. The answer would be absolutely not
Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 4:21

You are really funny and great to listen

I listened to what you said yesterday about I think it's your sisters having degrees, and I told you my viewpoint about that. Degrees in this day and time don't really mean anything because you have people who have degrees and they still can't find a job. And that's really sad
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 2:23


Hey, Lady Phi. So I just wanted to chime in real quick and tell you I don't know how old the babies are. I can't remember. It's a lot of us on here that talk about our children, but they actually can be of assistance. If you want to go back to school, it'll help with your financial aid, and if you want to go, they have online classes that you could do at your own pace
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:40

@Chey @LadyFi

Hey, Che. Thank you so, so much. That's why I love these conversations, because we can share information. Yes, Evelyn, you can definitely go back to school if that's your desire. Technology has its positives. You can go to school online now. And there are some schools that really be even offline that will work with your work schedules and financial assistance and all of that great stuff. So thank you so much, Chey, for putting that out there
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 3:49
Because to be honest with you, I mean, even for myself, I'm definitely going to take classes, at the very least in history to learn other aspects of history. Yeah, we could do that from the other end of a computer and watch YouTube videos and so forth. But I really enjoy the classroom experience and being around people and interacting and the dialogue and so forth. So that's my plan for the future, especially in retirement
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:02


So I believe you and your wife will definitely enjoy it there. And also, as far as me going back to school, it's still in my mind to do so because it's never too late and a person is never too old. I'm just going to make sure that I can include that within work with my work hours and even if I have the mental fortitude to do it again, I love the history. It was just the assignments I was given
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:36

@Chey @HeyItsErica

Hey, guys. Good afternoon. Hey. I wanted to say thank you, first of all, for inspiring me and giving me that additional information. Let me just give you a little preface of what has happened. I was in school online, and my children are 19 and 17, so they're no longer babies. So I am able to go back to school. However, I've accumulated debt, I don't want to go into any more debt
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:04


Hey, Evelyn girl, thank you for prefacing your statement there. For those of us who are not in the know. And to be honest, I'm in the same boat. I decided to do these type of swells because of what I had hoped to do. But I'm at a standstill because I don't want to go into debt anymore. So what I've been doing, I've been taking free courses online through EdX, because who wants to go into debt anymore?
