Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:25

I See Three 5s and I Am Grateful For 555 Followers♥️

So even though this is a solo thing that I do, I definitely want to continue to have this swell swell. I would like for it to grow and go places because I really love stories. I don't just share reviews and recommendations of print books, I read people's blogs and I like to share what I read online articles, things like that and get your thoughts on it. So yeah, let's continue to grow together. It's only up from here. Thank you. Thank you

#Gratefulness #Books #LoverofBooks

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:33
Congratulations on all your followers. They are well received. I mean, you're a great person. I love your content. I love the fact that you read so many books and you explain it, and then you offer those books to us, just different dives into different worlds and perspectives and feelings, and you open that up for all of us. So I appreciate, you know, being a follower of yours because it keeps me guessing, keeps me interested. I love your content. So congratulations
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:38
Thank you so much, Evelyn. Thank you. Thank you. And, of course, all of you, I love y'all's content that you present. And, Evelyn, I love the content that you present. Especially, you know, considering you and I, we deal with the same chronic illness. But you also post things about life, and you tell your own stories, and they are so enriching and thought provoking. So I'm really thankful for yourselves as well
