Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:06

The HANGRY Woman Said She’s Tired Of People Using Diabetes Meds For Diet Culture Reasons While Shaming Her In the Comments 😡

And she said, a lot of you are buying expensive medications that diabetics use to literally live. You're using it for this diet culture. So she made it very plain. She said, so the next time you place that comment under I'm not going to listen to you the next time you place that here. I'm not, because the same things that we need to live, you're using it. She said, diabetics are treated like poop, basically

Link to Short Vid: #socialmedia #diabetes #diabeticshame

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:54
Imagine having to stick your fingers all the time, stab yourself with needles all the time. You can't put that in your mouth without feeling guilty. If you do have it, your sugar is so high now, you can't see. Now you got a headache. Now you're very tired and exhausted because your sugar is so high. It's not allowing you to function like you want to function. Now you're sick. Who wants to live like that?
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:20


No, it's a hormone bone issue, because the same people who are pointing fingers, it's just that it hasn't happened to them. And whether they know it or not, the more carbs and sugar that they eat, their pancreas, the insulin is going to slow down. It's going to slow down because I was one of those people, sadly, I was 19 or 20. I saw people who had diabetes, and I always said to myself, I would never get that
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:34


Thank you, Erica. You are my diabetes hero because, and I say that for real, for real, because a lot of people went, okay. When I first got diabetes about twelve years ago, I was so depressed, but I was gung ho to learn more about it. But I was so depressed because I felt like something was wrong with me, not just, you know, insulin. I felt like failed some kind of way in my life that now this is a thing for me
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:50


And my other inspiration, of course, was my grandmother, who lived to nearly 90 and never got anything amputated and never went blind or anything. She just walked. She enjoyed walking and fixing her own meals, but definitely get well, get better. And thank you for contributing to my swells
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:10
And a lot of people deal with emotional eating and stuff, and so ozempic and all of that is not going to fix that. It's going to suppress your appetite, you're going to lose some weight, but the root cause of what drives you to eat, it's not going to help that. And so that's something that people need to take into consideration, too, that it's not a be all, end all. It's not a fix for everything
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:13


But the worst coles of diabetes he's seen is probably from people who are more than likely either my size or even more smaller than that, because before I was even diagnosed, I was already just losing the bulk of my weight through exercise and eating better. But again, I still ended up getting type two diabetes, and that's because it runs rampant in my family. So more than likely, I was going to get it anyway. Just didn't know what day I knew it was coming
