Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:51

Where are the greater things? Where are the miracles?

I read about disasters all the time, and a lot of times we see God's vengeance, but I would like to see his miracles sometimes too. Someone was staged for cancer being healed suddenly. The blind being able to see a person in a wheelchair being able to stand up. I would like to witness more of those. I would love positive news like that. I was looking at the Bible

#ManintheMirror #Miracles #God #World

Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 3:36


And while I believe that that god is very powerful, certainly because of all of the belief and all of the worship that people give to that God, I don't believe that that God is all powerful, nor does that God hold power over all aspects of the human experience. And so when we pray to that God to alleviate suffering, well, that God just isn't necessarily in charge of that. We need to pray to the God that is in charge of that
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:25
She believed that God created the world and then left. And sometimes it can feel that way, a lot of times it can feel that way. And the reason why I believe in the one God is because of my own experiences with my Creator. That doesn't mean that there aren't gods and goddesses walking the earth, but I have my own experiences. So this is great. This is great. Thank you once again for your feedback
