J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:21

Interview A Friend Week: Janet Kadow

We are promoting it and encouraging people to do hashtag, interview me, et cetera to get this moving. And Janet replied to that and said, hey, look, I am into metaphysics, spirit guides, angels, spirituality and I would love the opportunity to be interviewed. So, Janet. Here you go. My name is JL

#InterviewAFriend #hersisuonswell @JanetKadow

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:06

Spirit guides & angels @JanetKadow

Next, I would like to ask you how does a person who is not as knowledgeable as you on the subject matter? How can they connect with or be more aware of or present to their spirit guide or angel? This is a two part question. Is it spirit guide or angel? Or is a spirit guide different than an angel? And if they are different, if you can, please take time to explain the difference and then answer
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:46

How does one know? @JanetKadow

When one is connected to their in tune with in alignment with can see the synchronicity of their spirit guide and or angel and I understand this is an individualized experience how can he or she knows that is what it is? What sensations might they feel? What are commonalities for people who have had these experiences or having them? What does it feel like? Sound like? Smell like? Look like?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:30

Synchronicities @JanetKadow

Oh, my God. This I literally oh, wow. And now it's here. I bring that up to share or to ask of you. Please expound on that for us. How do we garner more of that, and are there resources we can tap into? How do we utilize people such as yourself who have more experience? And then I also want to open the rest of this up to whatever else you would like to share on the topic or topics and of yourself
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 5:00

#interviewafriend #sisuonswell

So there's a lot that they do unconsciously. And when we start connecting with them consciously, it can change your life, obviously. But unconsciously we all have spirit guides. There's different esoteric traditions that think different things. Like they say we have nine guides or seven guides or unlimited amount of guides or whatever. But I always work with one guide, one particular guide, one primary guide, so that I don't get flooded with information
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 5:00


So pay attention to the subtleties, because spirit is very subtle and this is a misconception, a hollywood misconception is that it's big and dramatic and the ghost will show up in your room and the spirit guide, the angel, would just show up in the three dimensional world in your room and start ducking to you. All that nonsense. It's so subtle
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 3:05


If we ask for a sign from Spirit that we're okay or we're on the right track or something specific is going to happen, usually we get the sign within the next 24 hours typically. And the sign can come in very subtle ways. So we do have to pay attention to our surroundings. We have to, you know, be attuned to the thoughts in our head. And also one of the most common ways that signs come through or messages from spirit come through are through songs
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 4:44

#Interviewafriend #synchronicity

It's not hey, it's not somebody speaking in complete sentences telling you to do something now. They're just suggesting it in order to fulfill requests that you had. Spirit only responds to things that you ask for. They don't take over your life or tell you what to do. That's the first law, the sacred law of free will or non interference anyway. So you have to act on faith
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:32


Question number three is, are these spirit guides random spirits or are they somehow interconnected to you such as they are a past family member, friend, lover, either from your current to life and I'm starting to lean and believe in reincarnation a little. I'm still struggling with that based on my Christianity roots
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:30

@JanetKadow example part 1

And then I said, you know what? No, I'm going to say that with more confidence. I will spend the night with my lover on Saturday and I know the universe will make it happen. I literally janet said it like that, and I went right back to my work. And literally, I kid you, not an hour later, because I have my text message notifications
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:56

Example part 2 @JanetKadow

And because I was still in nice girl mode and focused on other people and not myself, I said yes versus no. And after that, there were so many instances I distinctly remember that these are God universe spirit instances to aim to derail the marriage from happening. I mean, from one, him telling me he wanted a full wedding from A to Z but could not financially contribute. There was a lot of financial abuse that happened in our relationship that I accepted
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:35

Example part 3 @JanetKadow

And when I tell you it came on every single time we got in the car, to the point that I remember distinctly remember one time noticing it, thinking to myself, geez, even when I shuffle the playlist, it still comes up first. And so then I started singing it. And I remember we got into this argument because I'm singing it, just singing it, because I'm like, it's on for the 100th time, so I might as well sing along
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:53

@JanetKadow f/u on synchronicities

In my life and live the abundant, prosperous, healthy, full life that my God, my spirit guide, the universe has already created for me to have. I am on the journey every day to experiencing it as a reality. Thank you again, Janet, for your time. I will definitely if you decide to respond back to the other questions, I will definitely tune in and answer those and acknowledge those. And welcome to this well cast community
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 4:46


You get a feeling about it and then there's clear audience, which is hearing. So you could hear it, but it's all in the mind, it's not external. Okay, so when you feel a lot of energy around you, if you're empathic, then you could get a sense of your guides that way. But starting to work on this
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 3:58


Okay? So the way that you can identify a guide is basically over time you will recognize them. And at first, if you're not super sensitive, you're not going to notice, you're not going to be able to differentiate between one spirit or the next. Next. So the proof is in the pudding. In other words, the proof is what you get in response from your guide
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 4:59


So that's healthy, loving relationship, and I hope that you explore that a little bit or pay attention to when he just kind of drops into your mind out of the blue to when you're not thinking of him and suddenly you're having some pretty sexy thoughts. It's probably his sexy thoughts coming towards you when he's thinking of you. So enjoy that. Empaths can have the best sex because they can really be enriched by feeling what the other person is feeling towards them
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 1:23


Get what you want from spirit because they're here to serve your happiness, your health, your well being, to bring your life into a place of. And that is what you are doing for me. Thank you. Have a good weekend
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:49

@JanetKadow spirit guide primary

And even when I introduced myself and he knew my back story, he's been very gentle with me. And we've taken this very slow of just enjoying the process of getting to know one another without any expectations for enjoying the journey. So, no, listen, that's not me at all. I know some people are really proud that used to be me, not me. This is my healing out loud platform for me
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:18

@JanetKadow bravo!

Thank you for sharing your website information and how people can connect with you because after this interviews, talks might be hearing from me off of this platform. I'm really the space of awareness, of really wanting to know more about discernment and following that nudge and spirit. Thank you again and swell cast. This is Janet Cato
Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 4:55

@Her_Sisu Thank you for all of this!

Now, the reason why it happens, and it happens unconsciously is because when we think of someone, we are sending them energy, good or bad. Our thoughts are energy waves going out. And when they're focused on this particular person, they go to that person. Whether or not that person can actually feel that is up to their own sensitivity. But this is kind of the origin of what people would call a psychic attack
