J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:15

Figuring it out Friday: does food have a race 🧐?

One of the comments with one spellcaster and her name is escaping me right now but she talked about her pets and she has a number of them and she said she had a couple of chickens in there but I responded back to her and told her this short story about a neighbor who was walking past my house and didn't realize I was outside but the neighbor made a comment that I thought was quite ignorant and they said oh this is why I only have white dogs because white dogs are more active than black dogs and I had a black dog month and the black dog never wanted to go outside and I kind of like cleared my throat and made some kind of comment in discussed and they quickly walked past my home it was her woman and another neighbor walked past my home and you could tell they were like oh snap

#hersisuonswell #healingoutloud #BestOf2022

J Twisted
@TwistedChick · 3:45
Like, I make lasagna because I'm Italian on Christmas or whatever, but I love your son. Food doesn't have a race. Yeah, definitely not. It definitely doesn't. And I hope that one day and I don't think that I'll see it in my future. I don't think I'll be here long enough to see a shift in society where we are just so intertwined. And I'm not sure what the PC term to use here is
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:47


I don't want to eat meat but ribs and hot dogs and chicken and salmon and vegetables. I'm tired of all that. But we want to take ownership for something that food you really cannot own. You can just enhance what you can't own. So I am all for diversity. My what? So as I was recording, my mom came in. It was like, oh, this bread. I need another piece. I'm like, really kind of sitting
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:53


I am coming to wherever you are. Let me call the National Black Food Association and tell them they got to take your black food card. A boys and berry. Now, I'm just teasing. But yes, try an Ethiopian restaurant. And I agree. I don't really like Thai food. I don't like it. I just don't like the way it tastes
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:23
And she thought she was like, you like the white people. So she would do that. She would make it separate from me, and I would add it myself. I hate it when my food would touch, like, fried chicken with the sauce of grains. I hated that. I hated soggy fried chicken. So she would kind of make that so it wouldn't touch as everybody else. They all just had it slumped together. I never understood that
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:47


He is not getting any of that from me. So he'll have to get the store bought pumpkin pie. Now. I will make him super potato pie. I make a mean potato. Souffle yes. And I bet your lasagna is delicious. Let me tell you, the first time I had authentic Italian lasagna, let me tell you. And it was made from scratch. Jesus
Uncultured Swiine
@glafiix · 3:13
I definitely love this topic because I love food so much, and I'm just going to throw it out there. I'm a bit of a foodie, so I like to try different types of food as well. I heard one of the ladies talking about Thai food and Peruvian food, and I'm Mexican, so I'm getting tired of the Mexican food, but I still appreciate it. And I think food might not be racial, but it definitely is regional
J Twisted
@TwistedChick · 2:26


I used to live in the Raleigh the Triangle area. Now I'm in western North Carolina. I ordered this pizza using my Uber eats from work yesterday, this place called Pie Squared, and it was supposed to be, like, one of the best pizza around here. And to me, it was like Pizza Hut. Yeah. When my mom visited, I had her bring an entire pie from my favorite pizza place back on Long Island. Yeah, I know
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 0:19


Girl, you just killing me. Oh, my God, the boys and berries. You're not going to come take my car because of the I appreciate you that made me laugh out loud. I'm ordering my drink at Starbucks and I'm just busting out of late what's problem? Because that was so fun to me. Thank you for my Friday afternoon laughs
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:51

@FryedOreo @Her_Sisu

I actually worked in a Chinese restaurant in college, so it was American owned, but all the people in the kitchen were from China, and so it was very authentic. And so I got a lot of exposure there, which was super fun, and they were just great to work with. My son is a very bland food eater. He even jokes that he doesn't like colorful foods
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:23


Hi. Thank you so much for contributing to this swell. I enjoy what you've said. You said food is regional and because of the region and the population and race and culture serve the people in that region and access to resources, seasonings, type of food, it can represent a race, in essence, is what I got from it. And it's interesting how one cannot be a part of a certain culture or race. I love their food. I love Mexican food
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:41


Funny thing, though, is some of these white folks DeWanna up here saying, yes, I associate XYZ food with XYZ race or culture. So it's very interesting and refreshing to hear. You know what? At the end of the day, it's not a good or bad thing. It's just a thing, right? We have our things that are a part of our religion and race and culture
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:11

@countryswell thank you for being my muse 🤣

You're sitting here thinking this woman is ignorant and stupid because she assigns a race to dogs, and you turn right around and go tell your son who checked you. I always say God has brought him into my life to keep me in check. Who looked at me and was like, Food has a race. And the look on his face was like, you ignorant, stupid woman. Where did you get that from? That's what it's like
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 1:50


I love the inclusion of food. And you can break bread with anybody and experience different cultures and different foods and be happy and pat and fluffy, as I like to say. But thank you. You made me laugh. You made me laugh about the smothered oxtail. I really just laughed because I thought it was hilarious. Okay. Yeah. I look forward to having this exchange with everyone on this app regarding of the food and their different experiences and yeah, great. Thank you
Cheryl Hill
@BkQue · 4:39
What is prevalent in your family, in your neighborhood, I think, is what happens. It's not that foods are necessarily racist, it's just cultural. And what you grow up with is generally what you end up preferring. However, it's given an opportunity to eat a sweet potato pie, no matter what your ethnic background or racial background is. You indeed would love fall in love with a sweet potato pie. I work with this little young lady, I don't know, Asian background
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 5:00

@Her_Sisu Chicken's Feet in blackbean sauce

Oh, quick last note. The other thing that really shocks me about Western people I know I say it like I'm not a Western person, but I grew up in Asia, so I feel like I've got all these Asian things going on inside. Me is that when we go to a restaurant, we all order a dish, but then we put it in the middle and we share and we'll feed each other
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:02


But I laughed at when you shared how the grocery store said, okay, we're going to sell sweet potato pies in addition to pumpkin pies and then people gravitated to the sweet potato pie more than they did the pumpkin pie when given the opportunity to have a choice of something different. That was fascinating and interestingly, comical. I appreciate your contribution. Again. Have a great Friday. Bye
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:03


And it wasn't until my grandmother had complications with diabetes and had to have her right leg amputated that I realized the importance and value in connection of food with optimal health. Because how I grew up, because diabetes is on my father's side of the family and my mother's side of the family. It was like a rite of passage, the way how you could hear the adults sit around the table and talk about their complications with diabetes
Nick G
@NickGweezy · 4:36

#cooking #nutrition #food #recipes

But the problem is, most people don't look at their parents cooking as the hill that they're going to need. They just say one more thing I don't want my parents to make me do. But I've definitely noticed Olive when I had a friend of mine come over that was from Barbados, she's Beijing. And she just fried chicken up for me one night and it was like f****** magic to me. But she was doing all kinds of stuff
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:58


For you guys to be exposed to and for you guys to enjoy and to develop a palette for. I just think that's fascinating that your mom was not only exposed, but open to it, because some people aren't open. Some people are like, this is how I grew up. This is how I learned to cook. And that's that's the end of it. But it sounds different in your mom's instance. Now, I was more of a food chef growing up
