Collin Harbour
@harbourtime · 3:47

5 Reasons AI Won’t Eliminate Gut Decisions: 2. Human Creativity

But remember, AI can be used as a tool. It can be used to help you come up with ideas. But your gut decisions, your gut feelings are based off number two, your creativity, and number one, emotional intelligence. So, we've got three more left, and we'll be talking about those soon. Thanks for listening. It's harbor time and

Advantage humans! AI is scary, but it won’t eliminate GUT Decisions1 #ai #creativity #mindset #collaborate #chatgpt #success


AI has this similar capability, but it has massively greater data set as well as processing power. And so looking at the AIS that create art, they're using the pieces of art that humans have created and then creating from it. So it's essentially doing what humans do, right? And it can still create pieces that move, that inspire, that disturb
Collin Harbour
@harbourtime · 4:57


But when you're interviewing them, there may just be something off your gut may be telling you something about them. Maybe they're not the exact fit for something that you can't put your fingers on, something that you can't wrap your mind around, but that goes to the gut feeling. So I hear what you're saying. I know that AI is creative
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


Anyway, because of that, we have to make sure we incorporate thoughtfulness and intentionality around our humanness, because this is created for humans. Yeah, but in reflecting, I was wondering, because we know that 100% emotion can be unhealthy and unhelpful, and 100% logic can also be unhealthy and unhelpful. We have as humans this hand in hand sort of situation, right. But AI doesn't have that inherently in it
Collin Harbour
@harbourtime · 2:49

@marklesserart #artificialintelligence #ai #chatgpt #decisionmaking #learning #experience

So I've also had positive decisions or affirmative decisions or successful decisions. But the errors, I think, are really what leads to ultimately our gut decision and decisions that are based on our experiences as human beings that I don't think AI has right now, and I'm not sure that AI ever will. I could be wrong. I'm infallible. I'm not perfect
