Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 3:33

Simple Strategies For Increasing Happiness Part One!

Okay, so those were a couple of techniques you can use your body for to immediately boost your happiness level. Now, let's move on to a few mindfulness tips. One important distinction to make in this section is the one between hedonic happiness and eudaimonic. Happiness. As you probably know or can guess from its similarity to the word hedonism or hedonistic. Hedonic happiness refers to happiness derived from an external source, the pleasure we get from material things

#happiness #joyboost #wellbeing


So I say it every year because sometimes I still feel like there are folks who still want to purchase those things, and I'm grateful for what they offer. I just I do encourage them to rethink of anything that they're going to buy or purchase for me, make it an experience. I will enjoy it more, and I will have that memory to last my entire lifetime. I loved this swell. Thank you so much for putting out this message, and I look forward to part two
Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 1:28


Hey, Vanessa. That was so sweet what you said. I really appreciated your comments and your feedback and I just love getting replies and I'm so happy that you enjoyed this podcast and I'm going to look you up and start listening to yours, too. I totally agree about how sometimes your power pose can be different
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:30
Then from that switch, the material did not matter anymore. I wake up, I'm happy. Just a simple thing thinking that you wake up today, someone else did not wake up somewhere around the world, someone did not make. To this day I did. And I'm breathing and I have a bed I can sleep on and I have a children that I can call when I need to talk to them. And I have a friend
Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 1:31


And it was a great reminder that I woke up today exactly as you said, and some people didn't. And I have a family, I have a husband, I have children, I have a bed to sleep in. And so I really needed to hear what you had to say this morning, and I so appreciate it. I think that what you said is so important, how happiness just comes from within
