Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 4:14

The Nuggets got dipped in special sauce

Welcome to APB all point Bulletin, sports news and entertainment channel. And I'm your host, guru. Ball one. The Nuggets got dipped in special sauce tonight as they got blown out. They got blown off the court, blown out of the arena. They got blown out of the state. 45 point beat down in the playoffs. I can't remember that. That's got to be an NBA record. And then I put the scores up on the photo
phil spade
@Phil · 3:11

@Guruball1 Conley and no stupid KAT fouls

But you see how important he is. Another key to this victory here was Cat. Cat, when he fouls, dumb fouls, they. Their whole defense has to change. He is really key down low on Jokic, and that enables Gobert to kind of roam the same way that Anthony Davis roams with the Lakers. They're kind of similar in that realm, that they are effective defenders when they're able to roam and not necessarily guarding
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 3:59
And plus Kat can score and as long as Kat is playing that, that ferocious defense, I just don't see anything that the Nuggets are going to be able to do because then you're going to have Nasri joining the party. He plays great defense on Joker. He can hit shots. He's aggressive and when they're all being aggressive like that, it's just too much. It's just too much of an onslaught
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 1:16


But you don't need him to do that. You got guards that can handle that. Get inside that paint with him and go bear battling. They know they shouldn't be getting too many rebounds because if you remember now, last game, what was like three of them had 38 rebounds. So it was towns, McDaniel and Gobert combined, they had 38 rebounds. They need that again. And if Conley do what he need to do, they should pull his game off. Peace
