Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 4:07

The inventor of the potato chip

As a young man, Crumb worked as a God in the Adirondack Mountains and as an indian trader. Eventually, he came to realize that he possessed exceptionally exceptional talent in the culinary arts. In the summer of 1853, he was working as a chef at Saratoga Springs elegant Moon Lake Lodge Resort, where french fried potatoes were a favorite on the menu
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:56
Thank God for him, because that is a staple. That is a staple in my house. I love good potato chips. So thank you for this, sir. It just reminds me of how many beloved chips I have downstairs that I need to now go and look at and determine if I want to eat that today and have the salt intake that it's going to give me or if I want to save it for a treat this weekend. So thank you
Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 1:40


And I walked in there, she looked at me and said, did you lose weight this time? I said, yes, I lost weight this time, I guarantee you. And then I got on the scale. She said, Mr. Jake is fantastic. You did lose weight. I said, how much weight did I lose? She said, two pounds. And we just bust out laughing. And she said, you know what? You got to stay away from those potato chips
