Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 4:53

Frank Vogel fired after one season as Suns coach.

Welcome to APB all Point Bulletin, sports, news and entertainment channel. And I'm your host, guru ball one, Frank Vogel. Fire after one season with the Phoenix Suns. Ladies and gentlemen, come on. This is what we call a snow job. This is how you save your so called quote unquote star players and point the finger at someone that had nothing to do with it. Frank Vogel was a fantastic coach. He did an excellent job
phil spade
@Phil · 3:19

@Guruball1 Has to be the players decision

But with them not being able to move in the free agent market and no draft picks I mean this is a team that I think is going to be decimated for the next the considerable future. Which means, you know, maybe they go out and hire Paul Westhead and just do a run and shoot type of offense. I think that's what they are forced to do. I don't know any other way out here. This is a bad situation. But I agree with you 100%
Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 1:46


You can't even get him on the court to say what he is. So I agree with you 100%. You know, it's. Man, listen, the only coach that they could possibly go and get that is completely all offense run and gun is Dan Tony. They got to go back and get Dan Tony, who used to be the head coach before, bring them back and try to run that offense or. I mean, I can't think of any offensive coaches like that
