Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 5:00

The Skeletons of my Closet

I had become an emotional mess once because of the life's lessons that life has a tendency to teach us the hard way. And I had always felt a huge deep void in my heart. It was a persistent feeling and I had sort of settled with it until I found a very special person in my life. And he accepted me with his open arms, with all of my adventures and all of my past mistakes. And he never weaponized them, he never weaponizes my vulnerabilities

Gratitude to the Swell Team for enabling the Swellcasters to create a wholesome community! Special mention: @TheDevilsHorse

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:18
Hi, Imagi. This is such a beautiful poem with so many nuances and such depth. I really appreciate the way you penned down your thoughts and take us through them. Thank you so much once again. Have a lovely day. Bye
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 2:33


I've been an avid fan of rock music and such kind of the verses which you've written can be easily transformed into a rock song. The verses are akin to maybe Marilyn mention or Kurt Cobain entering into, you know, into an academic campus. So you can imagine how beautiful your verses are. And Himanshi, the idea that skeletons knock from inside the closet every time they knock because they are suffocated, it is so unworldly and one of the ideas that only a genius could think of
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:16
Hi, Himanshi. First of all, kudos to your courage, kudos to your understanding, and then Kudos to your thought of learning something new all the time. And I really love and get inspired from you all the time because, see, most of us just look at things and just leave it there, but only very few look at things, try to understand them, observe them, and try to inculcate the best part of things in us. So that is something I could found in you
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 0:56
It sometimes gives you so many cryptic clues that we fail to cash that we are way stronger than what we actually believe ourselves to be. And definitely, we do need a guardian with us. We do need that angel. We need that support of that one person who can make us realize, who can make us believe in ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poetry
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 0:23
Good morning, Ranjana ma'am, thank you very much for replying and taking out the time to listen to myself. And thanks a lot for the words of encouragement and appreciation. Your replies are always so encouraging, so full of warmth and it's absolutely lovely listening from you. Thank you for all your kind words, ma'am. Have a great day
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 0:58
You are a courageous person as well, and that is why you appreciate it. So thank you very much. Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback. It was nuanced and you can actually read between the lines. So thanks a lot and thank you for replying. Corey. Take care. Have a great day ahead
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:22
Hello Swati bam. Thanks a lot for replying on my swell and thank you for analyzing it so beautifully. I completely agree with you when you say that life does give us cryptic clues which we often fail to decipher because we self doubt and we need to break our barriers to truly unleash the strength that we have. And I think it is always a choice. It is always a choice to show strength in the face of adversity. So thank you very much
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:16
Good morning, Gunjan. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot for your reply. Thank you for taking out time to listen to my swell and reply so earnestly. It means a lot. And I think you are being too kind when you say that. It looks like a rock song. And when you mention the legends of the industry, of course, Marilyn Manson and Kurt Cobin. I have been a rock song person
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 3:11

#trawellcast #lifejournal

And it makes a lot of sense if. If you can understand it. But there is a lot of weight, there is a lot of wisdom in your poetry and keep that coming, because you either become a whiner or a winner from your miseries. You can either become a whiner or you can become a winner. So better choose to be a winner. Right? And that's how it is. And thank you for the Phoenix is reemerging. I can see that. So let it emerge
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 1:25
Hello, Himanshi. And this is such a great poem. And what I really loved about it was the flow as you were reading it. You know, I loved how the sentences flowed from one sentence to the other. So it was just beautifully done. Each sentence stitched in together with the next sentence. And also the imagery that you use of the skeletons in the closet kind of gave me this kind of spooky vibe, like these skeletons that are like parasites that feed off of your guilt
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 5:00

Thank You Himanshi, I am honoured and humbled by your mention… This has give me more hope and aspiration to continue more strongly and consistently 🙏🙏

And I'm so sorry I'm saying that outblunt, but it is that the truest of emotion is always hidden because we have the fear of being judged. And I really appreciate, and I really want to thank, along with you, the swell team of such a splendid that a community is beginning. Touchwood. May we grow. May they grow. And we build some absolute gem of emotions here, which we can not only be proud of, which we can
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 1:50


And from a standpoint, from where I write, absolutely. This has just given me jitters at the same time because those sort of emotions can really bumble you down at times and you can get into the grip of it. And I second you on each and every word in each and every pause in each and every comma that is there. So absolutely, Himanshi has come out very profoundly, very strongly, and kudos to her. And thank you so much for reminding us, Candy
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:48

@Greymatter @TheDevilsHorse

Himanshi, wonderful poem. I really loved it. And I think if this goes on this rate I feel everybody will be just like the devil's horse. Right. And I think everybody will give competition to others if this is how it will take place. But nevertheless, you did a fantastic job. I am more of a story person actually. But I will see. I will come back to you and I'll see if there are any
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:33
Yes, I have been, and I am a story person, too. I don't read poems often. I read a lot of fiction or nonfiction, so I'm also not a poem person per se. But these days, primarily because of all the swell friends influences, I have been inclined towards poetry, towards reading poetry, towards creating poetry too. So, yeah, thank you. Thank you for stopping by. And yes, I would love to have recommendations from you
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:20
Hi, Candy. Good evening. Thank you. Thank you for all the kind words. And thank you for your nuanced review. I must say, I'm glad that you spotted the flow and you liked it because, you know, it is sort of an anecdote from my life, right. An important turning point. And I wanted to, you know, I felt like putting it in a poetry format. And this is exactly how I felt. This is exactly how I felt
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:17
Hi Rajat. Good evening. Thanks a lot for all the lovely, warm and kind words. It means a lot coming from you. And I am glad that you found this word substantial and meaningful. It is one of my father's favorite movies. He has been impacted by that movie a lot. Manima movie, Nidiki, but Mujabada, Chalagaki, Mary Shabdo, Meribatam. It means a lot coming from you. And I think it is all about the perspective, right?
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:31
And yes, you are absolutely right when you say that. I felt a lot of strength after writing this poem. And this sort of took me back to what Ranjana ma'am said in her svelcast about overcoming guilt. She said, to celebrate your achievements. And I think this is one of my achievements, to be at peace with my past and its skeletons. So, yeah, thank you very much, Adesh for rekindling my creative spark. Thanks a lot. And I hope you're doing well
Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 1:14


Thank you Himanshi for sharing such a beautiful poem. And I'm very inspired by listening this poem because the essence for me is lot of things we do or happens in our life, but it takes a lot of courage to look back, to reflect and to take out something which can be helpful for us in the present as well as in the future. And at the same time, that is a learning for others too. And that exactly you have done
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:00
Good morning, Vivek. Sir, it's wonderful to have received your warm and encouraging words. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for commenting. And, yeah, I think, you know, a lot of wisdom lies in introspecting, and especially through the lens of what has happened in the past and where you want to go in the future. So. Yes. And introspection is a regular thing, I guess
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 2:15

@greymatter AI Tools: Ideogram , DaVinci Ai, Canva

But Da Vinci is an AI for a generator and it's available on Google Play, so it works on the phones. So it's amazing. It's amazing. I haven't used it because I am pretty comfortable with what I'm doing and I don't want to invest it here. But if you feel like just try it. There are absolutely stunning results which are there on the showcase candy. You can also let us know the feedback. So enjoy this journey and may AI be your friend
preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:06
So it's a beautiful platform, I would say. And you are blooming yourself into a good poet also, and continue writing. You are good at it, so take care. Bye
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:51
I just discovered that because I knew that this is being developed, but I did not know that the apps have already been launched. So thank you. Thank you for helping me out here because if I could find a nice app or find a way to put my thoughts into pictures, I think that would be amazing. I would like to explore that area further. So thank you. Thank you a lot for giving me this insights and also for sending me all the suitable options
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:43
And I think one of the foundation of building any relationship is to be truthful to them about your own self, about your past, present and future, if need be. So, yes, thank you very much and I'll see you around. And I look forward to have more conversations with you, and I look forward to see you soon. Take care, breathe. Good night
