Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 4:24


I am just contemplating and feel free to disagree, feel free to counter my argument. I'll be more than happy. And secondly, what we discovered about destiny is that again, it comes back to Nishkam Karma theory given by Sri Krishna himself in Bhagavad Gita. And he says that karm karo palkichanta matkaro, right? So you can only put in the efforts and it is not always true that you will receive the result in the form and in the time you want to

आप क्या चाहोगे, ये आप नहीं चाह सकते। You cannot desire what you would desire.

rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 5:00
Lake in Agarin mesa ekvi bandhasa boltakima bibi kushnayo then samajnavali bhatiyah kiham sabki definition of destinies are different. And the concept of destiny keeps changing over time, right? Because actually in sanko patahinaga better apnea what will be better for you? Okay, I'll leave it up to you. Second is let me try to explain the nishkam karm karu falki chintamatkaru right iskamatlav ki basically iskamatlav is a comparison between outcome versus process. So let me explain this in this way. Agarmanlo of bose rafalkuni MILRA right?
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 1:29
You're continuing the conversation, so it is important to work beyond yourself. Agar apka joe passion apka Joe objective. Agarwo Apke serif apke epicenter said can expand beyond you and can benefit multiple people at the same time. Consider it like planting one seed versus planting many seeds. Agarap Ikpadha, Ghana chateau garapiki beach. dalogue beach. Failure. Right. Lake in Jabape motivar beach. dalogue Mutiber Beach. Gardogue koina kuto. That's the law of universe
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:48
Himanshi you and me are in the same path and we are sharing common thoughts I feel so initially I also used to believe destiny is something which you create. Destiny is something what you want to make and what you would like to do. But later on I also realized that whatever you try, there are some things which are not meant for you. So in spite of your 100% efforts, in spite of everything that you do, still you don't receive those things which are not meant for you
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 4:49
But unfortunately for him, when he was a teenager, he found out, was diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism and he knew that he wasn't going to pass the medical exam for the army or to keep up with the army life. So he decided to turn towards medicine and to be a doctor. But again, he spent three years trying to get a seat and he wasn't getting the marks he wanted
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:14
There is a major blueprint, but there is also you creating and navigating your me through this blueprint. And another thing about destiny is that no man controls their destiny. I think if they do believe that, it's almost like saying that, yeah, I control the weather, I control everything that's going to happen to me today and tomorrow. And nobody has that amount of power. We don't. There are things that are beyond our control, and that's just life
Aditi Kapoor
@MyCuratedTales · 3:17


Hi, Himanshi. Good evening. Thank you for your invitation. So destiny, according to me, is something that you cannot control. Neither it is subject to your liking or to your preferences. Destiny is something that comes to you, or you feel it at the right time and at the right place. And we feel very happy when things turn out exactly how we want and when we set out for achieving a certain goal and upon its completion, we feel extremely happy
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:36

@trawell_cast @candylives @challasrigouri

Hello, guys. So I am tagging all three of you. And you know, you all have put such beautiful points, so full of wisdom, that, as Candy said, that, you know, now I would need some time to process it. So much so that I think I would need pen and paper to really jot down all of your points to make a sense of it. And I'm not able to do that until now
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:10
I'm recovering, but I am accepting the fact that it is not going to go my way always, and I would have to accept the circumstances, irrespective of the fact that how much effort I put in. And yet I did not get what I want, what I wanted, truly wanted, with all my heart and soul. So this is one lesson that I have learned hard way, but I'm still in the process of accepting it
ashmi dewan
@ashmi.dewan · 1:46
So now, these are just my thoughts. This is what I have concluded after my experiences with such and things, but it's actually a very interesting topic. So thank you for sharing your podcast. Bye
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 0:52
Hi Ashmi I'm so glad to listen to your reply and I agree with you to a great extent kyungi Mujevi essay lakhtaiki Motamota to cheese are the possibilities what are the strongest possibilities in our lives and what direction our life may take turn?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 5:00

Desiting is neither by choice or chance it rather a combination of both influenced by the law of Karma.

Most of us are in the same boat. I have been contemplating for last two months where I'm heading, what direction should I take in my entrepreneurial journey? Should I really move forward with the key project, the primary project that I've been working for almost a year now? More than that, a year, you would say technically? Or should I go into communications, a corporate communication? Or should I pursue career coaching at grassroots levels in tier two, tier three cities?
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 4:39

Continuing further

So Jesse Gatana life is filled with uncertainties and that's what Bhagavad Gita acknowledges there's this accept aspect of chance to external factors. Hopefully this leads to zada confusion story kesat Kush thank you for sharing this. Bye
