Luke Gibson
@Goodwolf · 3:49

Do your police know the law? Mine dont.

It's not so possible to know every single law, especially when the law change or added or removed or have amendments added, that if a police officer is going to arrest you, then it might be nice for police officers to actually comprehend the law laws that they are arresting you for breaking. And if they don't know if the law exists, then they are making one up for arresting you for whatever the law is

#Train police as lawyers first. #Teach us the law.

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:58
To your point, Luke, we need to learn more about our rights as citizens in school, maybe even we used to have home equity classes and life skills classes, which I don't think are really things anymore. They were certainly dying out when I was in high school, and that taught us practical skills that we need to survive in day to day life
Luke Gibson
@Goodwolf · 4:05
Educate the train police as lawyers firstteach us to be the right thing, maybe, if not at the absolute lawyer extent, definitely teach them a lot of law and then began the authoritative training for how they properly work with people, how they properly handle different situations. Maybe have a division for lesser crimes. Like the dude who wouldn't stop producing massive amounts of cocaine or instead of the dude who decided hey, I want to be an arsonist and burn houses on fire
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:28
Like I said, that might have changed, but, I mean, we need to make opportunities for folks to get the help that they need, not that take advantage of the fact that they either don't know enough about the law or are doing things that are ultimately kind of harmless, like you said, like smoking a joint. Why are those people thrown in prison? Totally agree with that
